"Look at you, you need to go to the doctor," she whispers. Stoking the bruised cheek and tracing her finger around the outline of the black eye, he looks at her from underneath his long dark eyelashes, noticing how beautiful she is. How lucky anyone is to know her.

"Your dad is crazy for thinking your a waste of space," he mutters. She mouthed thank you.

He picks up his bag that Zoe had taken with her when he had run, since he had forgotten it in his room, he doing it over his shoulders.

Her finger feel to his lips, as some of the blood dripped onto her fingers, she gave him a look, he didn't deserve this. He was such a nice person.

"I'm so sorry," she cries.

"It's not your fault, it's the fucking world, I get judged on whatever I do," he huffs in disappointed.

"But you shouldn't, at least not on that, you looked so happy in those clothes, you deserve to be who you want to be, don't let anyone take that away from you, my dads a dick, I wish I didn't have to live with him," she grunts.

"My parents don't really know I exist half the time," Harry replies.

Zoe grabs out her phone, and opens it up before clicking on the contacts app, she passes her phone over to Harry, to which he types his number into.

"If you need to talk, message me," she says.

"If you need to talk, message me," he repeats.

She laughs as the hug, her legs dangle above the ground as he tightly hugs her as she is shorter than him, he placed her back onto the ground softly.

She gives him a friendly kiss on the cheek.

He starts to walk off down the road, as Zoe waits there patiently, waving every time he turned around to see if she was still there, until Harry disappeared out of her sight,

Harry felt giddy about today, he had met someone who understood him, and let him be him to the fullest, someone that wouldn't judge, someone that loved him for him.

Zoe also felt giddy, she was able to open up about everything that had happened and she had met someone who would listen to her, someone that wasn't like her usual crowd, someone who was more relaxed and quiet. She liked that.

Zoe walks back to her house and walks up the stairs and collapses onto her bed before grabbing out her phone.

Harry gets home and opens to the door to his family on the couch watching tv, he goes to the bathroom and looks at his face before wiping off the blood on his lips and chin, then walks to his bed before collapsing and throwing his phone next to him.


Zoe: You ok?

Harry: I'm fine, what about you?

Zoe: My dad is not talking to me, he's chatting with Joe, like always :(

Harry: You think he will tell Joe about me being at yours today

Zoe: No he wouldn't, if he did then he would talk about it to me, and he doesn't like me and Joe talking to each other

Harry: Why not

Zoe: He's always wondering if I'll tell Joe what he's doing

Harry: You have to tell them eventually don't you

Zoe: I will

Harry: Is that a promise

Zoe: That's a promise

Harry: I'll see you tomorrow at school

Zoe: Actually we won't, no offence, but I can't, the boys would question me about you and why I am hanging out with you, and I don't want my brother and boyfriend on my back right now

Zoe: Harry?

Harry: Night

It wasn't night, but Harry ended the conversation, he knew that she was right, and it wasn't her fault that she was not going to hang out with him tomorrow, the boys would be angry at her for hanging with someone who is a total nerd.

She was cool, she was popular, he wasn't.

Harry opened his window and looked out the window. And once again he spotted Simon, he always seemed to be looking at Simon, but what wasn't their to look at.

His beautiful face, his sparkling blue eyes and blonde brown hair mix, his tallness, he was skinny and had a beautiful smile, and he was popular and cool.

But he walked off, and Harry was alone. So alone.

He went down for dinner and nobody noticed his face that was bruised and hurt. Everyone ate their dinner in silence and left, Harry the only one at the table now.

And he let a small droplet of water run from his eye.

He was so alone.

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