Chapter Thirty-Nine

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Pic up top of Nat's dress because someone special asked for a picture :) You know who you are.^

I zipped up my dress and slipped into a pair of white strappy heels Diana was letting me borrow. I looked in the mirror and quickly decided to take my hair out of its current donut bun. It fell dead straight like always so I just pinned my hair back with bobby pins, leaving my bangs to fall slightly into my face. I made a quick swipe of lipstick and mascara before deciding that was enough. I put my phone, credit card and lipstick into a clutch and walked into the common room. Diana let out a low whistle, "Look at you. You look like a million drachmas."

"Talk about yourself," I let out a small giggle, "The blue suits you, Di."

Diana rolled her eyes, "I still like the pink, though."

"Good thing you didn't get pink," Whitney said from the door of her room, "Can someone please zip me up?"

She turned and I quickly zipped up the back of her dress. 

Whitney grinned, "What do you think?"

She was in an ankle-length dress with a skin-tight bodice and spaghetti straps. The material was pink lace and it seemed to shimmer with her every movement.

"You look really gorgeous," Diana said to Whitney, truthfully.

I nodded, "You look great!"

"Fix my hair?" Whitney pleaded.

I shrugged, "Sure, why not?"

We moved into her room at her dressing table and she handed me her hairbrush. I combed through her jet-black hair and then placed it on the dressing table. I did a three-quarter part and began waterfall-braiding it. I tied and pinned it at the back of her head and Whitney grinned, "Thanks, beautiful."

I nodded and then looked at the clock on her wall, "Oh, shoot, I was supposed to be ready for the limo two minutes ago. Bye!"

I ran as fast as I could in the heels into the common room and then downstairs to where everyone was. I gently pushed past the girls conversing and ran outside, picking up the hem of my dress. I rushed to my limo with the special numberplate and my driver tipped his hat at me, "Miss Roberts."

"Julian," I grinned at him and he opened the car door for me, "Thanks. Sorry, I'm late."

I slid into the limo and finally took a relaxing breath.

"What took you so long?" my best friend scowled at me.

"Sorry, Em," I let out a small laugh, "I was helping out Whitney with her hair."

"Does she look as pretty as always?"

"Not as pretty as you," I said, because it was true. 

Emily had on a floor-length silver dress with a halter neck. There was a large triangle cut in the back of it, showing her back and part of her midriff. The cut and halter straps were lined with thick silver bands. 

Emily shrugged, "I tried my best. I love your dress."

"Thanks," I smiled, "You don't think it's a little big?"

"A little but I reckon a size smaller would be too small."

"Right," I nodded. 

Emily sighed gently and then asked, "You don't mind that I'm going out with Shawn, right?"

Wait, what? She wants my... permission? 

I gulped and slowly shook my head, "No. I mean, it's a little weird that my best friend is going out with my brother but... it's not too weird. I can handle it as long as you also remember to make time for me."

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