Chapter Twenty-Three

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Isn't Leo DC just babe? *faints at his perfection*

"Hi everyone!" I began, "Welcome to the first and final presentation night to be held by us at the Facility."

A polite round of applause went around the room. 

"We're your student body presidents, Natalie and Christian," Christian continued.

Bree yelled out, "We know!"

I let out a small giggle, "Of course, Breeana."

Christian went on, "Anyway, we'd quickly like to thank Dr Demonico and Dr Weston for having us. They'll be talking late about what everything they gathered was actually used for."

A chatter rose in the room.

I fake-cleared my throat to gain the attention back. The voices dialled down. I spoke, "However, before that happens, there's a lot to get through. Please join us in the school pledges before we hand the mic across to our principals."


I'd like to say I paid attention during their address being a student body president and all, but I almost fell asleep. They practically drone on and on about pointless things that we've already been told before.

After them, though, was the drama production. Between Principal Wednesday's speech and Principal Moseby's speech I was dragged to the place backstage of the auditorium to get changed into my Juliet costume. It was quite intricate - a floor-length floral gown with a sharp square neck and flowing material. Vivian - assigned as a makeup artist - had pinned my hair up quite tightly into loops and left most of it hanging down in blonde curls. 

The drama teacher examined me before grinning, "Perfect! You're stage ready. Now, where is our male chorus to begin?"

A few boys hurried up, including my brother, and she shooed them towards the stage, "You're on!"

She was quite right. The principals had already moved off. 

Their voices rang around the auditorium, "Two households, both alike in dignity, in fair Verona, where we lay our scene. From ancient grudge, break to new mutiny, where civil blood makes civil hands unclean..."

They went on, their voices layering over each other in a creepy manner before they were came off in the lights down. 

Two of the boys from the prologue went back on as Sampson and Gregory to run through their lines and soon two more joined them onstage. Then, one of the major characters, played by a boy called Ryan, went on as Benvolio, "Part fools! Put up your swords, you know not what you do."

Within the next few moments quite a lot happened and I was reminded of just how much I hated Romeo and Juliet. All the characters are horrible. Romeo and Juliet themselves were obvious idiots, Tybalt looked for a fight wherever possible and both sets of parents had too much pride to let their children do what they want. Heck, even Friar Lawrence - the father of the church - was one of the people responsible for their deaths. 

The boy playing the Prince moved on to begin his speech and although I hate Romeo and Juliet, I was struck by the beauty behind Shakespeare's words. Although they made no sense half the time, he was a talented playwright, "Once more, on pain of death, all men depart."

Everyone exited the stage in a hurry, leaving Ryan and two people pretending to be Mrs and Mr Montague. They went on about Romeo when I jumped. Someone grinned at me from their sneak-up, their hands still on my shoulders but it was still too dark to see.

I narrowed my eyes, "Seriously? Scaring me?"

A familiar husky voice whispered, "It was funny to see you jump."

The Facility | ✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora