Chapter Thirty-Six

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Four more chapters :( 

I unpacked all my things into my dresser beside my bed after my conversation with Opal. That's if you could really call it a conversation. It was more a... disagreement. With a lot of shouting. 

There was a loud shriek from my bedroom door, causing me to jump, and quickly a brunette, green-eyed bullet shot towards me, "You're back!"

I hugged Em tightly before letting go, "I'm sorry!"

"You better be!" she mock-shouted, "You left me all alone for a week with my mum and James etching to know every single detail."

"Best friends again?" I gave her a hopeful grin.

"Who said we stopped?" she chuckled and then gripped me in another hug, "Lunch?"

"Food!" I shouted and grabbed her hand, pulling her out into the common room.

"And you must tell me everything," she threatened.

"Deal!" I grinned and dragged her out to the dining hall.


"So in March you're..."

"Yeah," I nodded numbly, "In March I'm going to be presented to the world as a... guinea pig?"

"I was thinking more along the lines of 'first ever' to do something. You know, like Neil Armstrong was the first to step onto the moon. Gandhi was the first to free India. You were the first to have Dreamscape." Emily gave me her biggest evil grin. 

"Actually, Christian was," I corrected.

"Fine," she rolled her eyes, "You were the first female to have Dreamscape. Still sounds impressive."

"Thanks," I smiled gently, "But it doesn't mean that it's gonna go anywhere. The conference in March could be a complete flop."

"But then the prime minister would lose what he's been trying to get started since... whenever it was," Emily tried to persuade, "I doubt they would want to lose that. They're going to try their very hardest and my best friend is going to become famous."

I grinned, "You're amazing, Em."

"I know," she winked, "You're alright, yourself."

"Just alright?" I mocked offence.

"Well, I can't say you're amazing, too, because that would be unoriginal," Emily rolled her eyes.

"Are you telling me you don't know any synonyms for amazing?" Beth muttered, head buried in her book. 

So... we were back to silent Rose, Beth and Diana? Apparently.

"Of course, I do," Emily sighed and then put on a falsetto, "Okay, Nat, you're fabulous!"

"Thank you," I giggled at her tone.


Mrs Perry shouted, "No! Natalie, for the last time; you walk on, do your hair flip and then begin talking. You don't walk on, begin talking and then do your hair flip. Get it right."

To be honest... this woman scared me. I nodded quickly at my drama teacher and walked offstage again. 

Olivia stage-whispered, "I have no one, now..."

That was my cue. I sashayed on and smirked as I saw Olivia, "Well, don't you look... horrible?"

I flipped my hair behind my shoulder as I cocked a hip. Mrs Perry shouted again, "Natalie! It is not that hard! Flip your hair and then speak."

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