Chapter Eleven

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I groaned and clutched the pillow tighter, "Oh. My. Fudging. Lord."


I obeyed silently and blindly put my hand out for the glass of inevitable water. I gulped it down before the voice ordered, "Oh, and take these as well."

I put my palm out, my eyes still closed from the harsh lighting, and took the pills with the rest of the water. The glass slipped onto the bed between my legs and I held my head in my hands, "Mm... Em? Please tell me I didn't do anything stupid last night."

My best friend sighed, "Don't ask me - I was drunk too."

I slowly opened my eyes and hissed at the bedroom light, "Seriously? Who invented hangovers?!"

There was a knock on my door and Em opened it, before leaning against it, drowsily. 

My twin held up two ugly green heat packs, "The doctors are giving them out to everyone. One for you and one for you."

He threw the heat pack in my direction and it landed on top of the glass. I placed it on the back of my head and flopped back down onto my pillow, "Please tell me I don't have to get out of bed... It's Saturday, after all..."

Em whined, "I don't want to eat."

I sat up quickly, headache forgotten, "Food?"

Shawn chuckled, "That's my sister. Get dressed and you can come join me for some breakfast."

"How come you aren't collapsing into a headache?" Em whined, studying him with narrowed eyes. 

"Because I'm used to partying and alcohol," Shawn chuckled, "Unlike you two social inept Aphrodites."

I ducked around the corner - out of sight of the dorm room door - and changed into leggings, ugg boots and one of Shawn's hoodies over my tank top. I reappeared to the two of them and grumbled, "I'm going to get food. And meanwhile, maybe someone can tell me what the fudge I did last night..." 

"I can tell you," another huskier voice replied, "But I'm not going to because you'd kill me for it."

I glared at Christian and immediately pinned him against the wall of the hallway, "What did I do?! Park, I swear to god..."

He chuckled, "Nothing much. You drank, you giggled, you flirted an awful lot..."

I narrowed my eyes, "So the usual... anything else?" 

Christian smirked, "I'm not gonna tell you. Mind accompanying me to breakfast?"

I slapped him lightly, "Jerk."

I rode the elevator in silence too after I timed the doors to close in his face. 

However, when I got to the dining hall floor and stepped out, he was there waiting for me. I narrowed my eyes, "Did you run down the stairs?"

"Maybe, maybe not," Christian smirked, "Now, I'll make you a deal."

"What deal?"

"I'll tell you everything you did last night if, and only if, you tell me what you dreamed the other night that made you freak out."

I narrowed my eyes. I'd be telling him exactly how scared I was without him there... but in return, I'd find out if I did anything idiotic. 

I held out my hand, "Deal."

Christian chuckled, "Come on then. I want to see how many people aren't as gluttonous as you."

I slapped his back as he turned away from me and stomped past him into the dining hall. Dr Demonico glanced at me as I walked in, "Miss Roberts! I need to ask a few questions."

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