Chapter Twenty-Four

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^^ Me right now! Explanation in Author's Note :) 

As the music class finished their recreation of The Symphony, there was polite applause. A few wrong notes had been hit, so admittedly, it hurt my ears slightly. However, where I just winced, Em sat next to me banging her head repeatedly on my shoulder. 

I finally hissed, "Stop it; you're hurting me."

She froze and glared at me, "And the music was hurting me."

"Well, I'm not the music, am I?" I rolled my eyes.

Em sat up straight, "I suppose not."

"Wasn't that... wonderful?" Dr Demonico said into the microphone and my attention was caught by her. 

Dr Weston continued, "Hello students. I hope you're all swell."

Dr Demonico obviously rolled her eyes and went on bluntly, "Your time at The Facility has unfortunately come to an end. On behalf of myself and Dr Weston, I thank you for being here. All your samples have been gathered and we're proud to announce exactly why we were doing what you were doing and reveal some results."

I tensed. Was she going to tell us about Alto Emus? Please say no. Please say no.

"May we please have Natalie Roberts and Christian Park with us?" Dr Weston asked, his eyes searching the auditorium.

I took a large breath. So I guess they were going to tell us. 

I stood up slowly and then smoothed my plaid skirt. I turned out into the aisle and made my way down the stairs. Christian was already there by the time I reached them. I stood on the other side of the doctors to him, waiting for what they were going to say.

Dr Demonico smiled, "Thank you, you two. You both know why you're down here, obviously."

I nodded quickly.

Dr Demonico continued, "Students, these two have been part of an association called Alto Emus since they were fourteen-years-old, unknowingly. Alto Emus is an anagram of the word soulmate." A collective gasp rose in the room. Dr Demonico spoke over it, "They've been our main... experiment, I suppose I should say. However, that sounds quite evil, doesn't it? It's not supposed to be. Miss Natalie Roberts and Mr Christian Park have had their bodies, pheromones and dreamscape altered to suit each other. In our medical examination, they've adapted to find comfort in the other before they even ever met."

Another gasp. 

"The two of them have had dreams about them since the beginning of the experiment, when they were fourteen, however, they didn't meet until just recently, in real life," Dr Demonico said. 

The third collective gasp rose and I blushed faintly.

Dr Weston continued, "You, students, have the privilege of finding out first. Natalie and Christian will be meeting with world leaders at the beginning of next year to prove our experiment has worked. If it does work, the next generation will all have soulmates for each other."

Dr Demonico went on, "Now, some of you might be thinking, 'how are they soulmates if you're forcing them on to each other'? Simple. Your soulmate is actually already adapted to you. The experiment just pushes you together."

My blush deepened as my eyes connected with Christian's. 

Dr Weston said, "So, some of you, already have soulmates in this room. Others are still to be decided. We'll be announcing the list of soulmates in this room, but we aren't continuing with the experiment until at the soonest, after Natalie and Christian's meeting, for this next generation."

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