Chapter Twelve

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I changed the book cover :) It's up top. 

Em shouted, "Okay, I've had enough of you! I'm going to see what Rose is doing!"

She slammed the door behind her and I sighed loudly. How could I be so stupid as to kiss Christian? I mentally female-dog-slapped my drunk self. 

I'd been trying to distract myself all day, which included reading Romeo and Juliet again, calling my mum - and talking to her over Voicemail - spying on Olivia getting invited on a date by a cute brown-haired boy from DAB, wandering aimlessly around the Facility and stumbling in on Dr Weston looking at his computer wallpaper - of Dr Demonico - and even listening to Shawn tell me how he got kicked in his manhood by Whitney for 'not letting her down easy'. 

Now, with all those tasks completed, I was lying on my bed, glaring at my dorm room door, with Christian Park swarming my thoughts. 

I had been wishing death on my drunk self so hard that I didn't even notice when the door actually opened until too late. 

"So this is what you're doing?" Whitney scowled, "Get up, you lazy ass. Even I was rejected and I'm still picture perfect."

I shifted my glare from her torso to her face, finally moving for the first time in half an hour, "Can't you see I'm silently killing my dream and drunk selves?"

"That's impossible," she merely stated and walked to pull me out of the bed. I toppled onto the ground with a loud squeak. 

When I looked up, I wasn't surrounded by just Whitney. No - now I had at least a quarter of the girls in my year in my room. I scowled, "What?"

Em crossed her arms, "If you do as we say, we'll buy you Macca's for lunch tomorrow."

"Food?" I perked up immediately, "Wait... you're saying we can go outside tomorrow?"

"All day," Whitney grinned.

"Now get up, gluttonous ass," Rose smirked, "We're going to go plan a prank on the DAB student council."

I opened my mouth to ask another question but Em interrupted, "And, yes, you can have dinner afterwards."

I grinned, "Coming!"


"Hey S.B.P." I heard Bree say in a deep voice. I winced - she sounded almost like my dream-self. 

Christian replied, from out of sight, "Hey. Your name is... Bree, right?"

"Yeah," Bree grinned - just in our line of vision at the top of the stairs, "So, what are you doing now?"

Christian gave a pause - which I'd come to recognise as his confused one - and replied, "I was just going down for dinner... You?"

"Funny, that," she giggled, "I am, too. Wanna join me? All my other friends are comforting Natalie in her dorm room. But... Nat's a big girl. She'll get over it."

"Why's Natalie upset?" he asked.

"Who knows? I'm pretty sure she's got a few mental health issues... But, you know, they wouldn't have really kicked in unless someone had done something horrible to her."

"Horrible how?" Christian's voice was getting huskier by the second, I swear. 

"Oh, you know, scaring her, commenting on how much she loves food, pressuring her into deals, telling her that her drunk-self did something stupid - we've all made that mistake at least once," Bree trailed off, "But, anywho, dinner?"

Christian gave another pregnant pause, "Ah... Bree... what kind of mental health issues does she have?"

"I'm pretty sure it was severe depression... and when we were all in Year Eight she had sleep apnea and even anorexia."

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