Chapter Twenty-Five

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Soooo..... I left you on a cliffhanger last chappie, didn't I? 

- Rewritten as of 08/01/17. Originally written late at night and ended up like crap. 

"You're late," was simply what my mother said when I climbed into the limousine.

"So I've been told," I replied curtly, leaning against the window. 

Mum glanced away from her laptop to look at my attire, "Still in school uniform?!"

"It's Monday, Mum. I had class today," I frowned slightly.

She rolled her eyes, "We'll have to be late to dinner then so you can change into something slightly more appropriate."

"Where are we going for dinner?"

Mum looked at me, shocked. Her makeup was flawless, as always, from using her own products. She wore a white button-up blouse and a knee-length beige skirt with matching beige pumps. With her perfectly curled honey blonde hair, my mum was a living definition of a cosmetic queen. Too bad that Roberts' Cosmetics were now broke. She'd probably used business money to throw another elaborate party. 

Mum closed her laptop properly, "We're going to Bistro Papillon in the city. We've never been there before but it's supposedly one of the best French restaurants in Sydney's CBD."

"I don't have to eat snails, do I?" I wrinkled my nose.

"Of course, not," Mum sniffed, "I'd rather you didn't. When I was in Paris, I tried one. My breath smelled horrible for three days."

I smiled lightly, "Of course. So what's the occassion?"

"You and your brother are meeting your step-family, tonight," she narrowed her eyes, "You forgot?"

"You never told me," I sighed rudely and looked out the window.

"I'm sure I did," she rolled her eyes at me, "Oh! Driver!"

The man called, "Yes, Ms Roberts?"

"The boys' school is just up the block on the left."

"Of course, Ms Roberts."

Mum turned back to me with a raised eyebrow, "Any news?"

I could tell her about Christian. I could tell her about The Facility. I could tell her about...

"Mum," I said softly, "Did you know about... the, uh..."

The door opened and interrupted me. Shawn poked his head in with a wicked grin, "Hello family."

"Shawn, stop being immature and just get in the car," Mum scolded. 

Shawn straightened his face and turned back around. He waved, "Have a good holiday, Chris!"

"Christian?" I perked.

Shawn glanced over his shoulder at me and smirked, "Go."

I climbed out as gracefully as I could in my school skirt and looked around frantically. My shoulders fell as I watched him climb into his own black hummer. I stared after it for a moment as it drove off before reluctantly climbing back into my own limo. 

I sat down and Shawn looked at me apologetically, "He left already?"

I nodded, returning back to glaring out the window and ignoring the tightened feeling in my chest.


Bistro Papillon was located just a few streets into King Street Wharf. It had a romantic feel and I couldn't see anyone younger than my mum's age there excluding the family up the back. Mum promptly made her way towards them with me and Shawn reluctantly tagging along. Shawn had been forced to change into a blue button-up and suit pants. Mum had made the maid pick an outfit for me which ended up being a maroon floral dress with a black overcoat that had gold buttons. My feet were already aching in the maroon pumps and my face felt like it had been painted with makeup. 

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