Chapter Fifteen

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For the next few days, I successfully managed to avoid the doctors, Christian and any unwanted thoughts about dead bodies in school hallways. However, it was on the fourth day of ignorance that was our next drama class - and also our first full run-through of Romeo and Juliet. 

I whined to Em, "Please! Just let me do costume and makeup and you can be Juliet."

"No!" she said for the billionth time, "Besides, the costumes are already made and I can't act like you can."

"Stuff you," I muttered.

"Where is our Juliet?" a shrill voice demanded and quickly I rushed out so I'd be ready for my first part of the day. 

When we'd actually be performing I'd be wearing a poofy dress - so not my style. But at least today I'd just be in drama blacks. 


I gulped as soon as Christian stepped on stage. Just acting... I'll be fine. I will not let my feelings continue any longer. None of this makes sense as is...

"If I profane with my unworthiest hand," he began, around the pillar from me. He continued and my heart beat rapidly. I can't let my feelings get in the way of anything. 

"Good pilgrim, you do wrong your hand too much," I chuckled and glanced into his eyes - a big mistake. I was instantly caught by the red hues, "For saints have hands that pilgrims hands do touch, and palm to palm is holy palmers kiss..."

He pleaded - god, this boy was a good actor, "Have saints not lips, and holy palmers too?"

"Aye, good pilgrim," I managed to pull my eyes away and laugh, "Lips that they must use in prayer."

"O, then, dear saint," he began and I tensed. He'd kiss me soon... 

I mean, sure, we'd kissed in dreams, and apparently, I'd kissed him once when I was drunk, but not sober and conscious...

I managed to squeeze out my last line of the sonnet before he finished his own. He tensed quickly too, but the teacher called out, "You must be comfortable enough with each other, surely. Come on!"

Christian didn't waste any time but quickly bent down to kiss me. My eyes widened as his lips moved across mine. I could feel my everything tingling - my first conscious, sober kiss and it was with Christian Park. And it was good...

My eyes fluttered closed as he didn't pull away. 

Suddenly, I jumped, remembering where I was. Christian pulled away quickly.

God, it was going to be harder to not like him, now. 

I whispered out my line, in nervousness, "Then have my lips the sin that they have took..."

Christian smirked slightly, seeing my nervousness and I winced. He continued, "Sin from my lips? O, trespass sweetly urg'd! Give me my sin again."

He came back in for another heated kiss and I slowly moved to wrap my arms around his neck. Yeah, I definitely wouldn't be able to forget him now... I began kissing him back and his hands moved to touch my waist. 

It wasn't like those sappy romance novels where 'sparks fly everywhere'... but I could definitely feel my legs going numb from something. 

There was a tap on my shoulder and again, I quickly pulled back - shocked at my reaction to Christian. Olivia - who was playing 'Nurse' - said in a choked voice, "Madam, your mother craves a word with you."

I glanced around to see each and every person was giggling slightly. I blushed beet red and nodded, walking towards Vivian as Lady Capulet. 

The bell rang and I mentally cursed it. It couldn't have rung five minutes ago?! 

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