Chapter 3

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"So how old are you?" Camila asked Lauren, trying to a start conversation.

"Nineteen, how about you?"

"The same."

"Cool." Lauren nodded as she continued to sort out phone accessories she pulled from the shipping boxes.

Lauren wanted to get to know the girl, she really did, but there was that one thing that stopped her. She was different, she was not normal. Camila was, and that was unfortunate. Next to her, in the brunette's mind, all she wanted was to know everything about this new comer. In her time living in the small town, people came and people left, but never was she so intrigued about someone than how she was with Lauren.

Silence passed between them and shuffling through plastic was all that was heard until Camila asked another question. "Will you be attending college in Atlanta?"

"College?" Lauren asked, not really recalling learning this word back in the facility.

"You know, the place people go after high school but then a whole bunch drop out after a week or two."

"Oh right, but I won't. College isn't for me." She replied going along with it because she had no idea what this college thing was, but so far it sounded awful.

"Me too, I was one of the ones that dropped out but the only difference was that I stopped going after the first day." she smiled. "Then my dad got me a job here."

Lauren returned her smile, "That was nice of him, college sounds like something important, and for you to leave doesn't seem like the right thing to do."

"Yeah it wasn't, but my dad's cool, we're not that close but he got me this position and I'm grateful."

The green eyed girl nodded, "How about your parents? What are they like?" Camila asked her.

"Oh um, they're not around, for a very long time now."

Camila widened her eyes a bit, she didn't mean to bring sad memories back to the taller girl. "I'm sorry, I didn't know."

"No it's okay, you didn't know."

Silence engulfed them once again but it wasn't awkward. Slowly both of their hearts were opening to each other but they didn't know that yet.

"It's almost lunch time, how about we go to the restaurant down the street? My treat." The brunette proposed.

"I can't let you do that. You already know my situation and I won't be able to pay you back."

"Lauren it's fine. Let me take you out to lunch."

Seeing that Camila was being genuine about her invitation, she accepted. It took another half hour until their break but conversation easily flowed between them now. The brunette's curiosity wasn't fulfilled but it was getting there. Lauren seemed like a mystery and she was determined to figure her out.


The two girls were now seated in a booth inside the restaurant and were waiting on a waiter. Lauren still didn't like the idea of having Camila pay for her food but she pushed the thoughts aside and let herself enjoy this time with her.

"Laur?" a voice asked.

Lauren looked up and came across Bea in a white button up shirt and a black apron tied around her waist. "Whoa, you've changed dude." She said in a playful tone.

The girl rolled her eyes, "It's the waiter's uniform."

"Oh so this is where you got the job you told me about, nice."

Bea nodded and then looked across the table and noticed the quite brunette that had watched their exchange. "Who's this?"

"Hi. I'm Camila, Lauren's friend." She introduced herself.

Bea shook hands with her, "Friend huh?" she smirked looking over at Lauren.

"Anyway, can we order?" Lauren spoke trying to move on before her friend embarrassed her.

The young adults ordered their meals and then patiently waited for their food.

"She seemed nice." Camila commented after Bea left.

"Yeah, but don't let her face fool you, she could make you want to choke her sometimes." Lauren chuckled.

The brunette giggled, "She can't be that bad."

Thick black eyebrows rose, "Maybe you'll be lucky enough to witness her in action one day."

An hour later lunch was over and it was time to go back. The two were all set to leave when Lauren caught sight of a crowd of people all moving with purpose towards the same direction.

She caught sight of their faces and they screamed curiosity and fear. To her it struck as very odd but who knew? Maybe this was something that happened in the outside world.

"Hmmm, that's odd." Camila noted now also looking through the glass walls of the restaurant.

The two girls got closer to the doors and now other people inside of the building had stopped their conversations to take a look too. Some began to leave money on the tables and left to join the crowd, others just stayed put but suddenly every individual's mobile device began to ring inside the restaurant.

Camila then got her own phone out and skimmed her eyes over the screen. "Come on, we have to go."

She grabbed Lauren by the hand and pulled her to the outside and soon they were joining the crowd. "What's happening?"

"Town meeting." Was all that Camila said. Something was off, she didn't know much about how communities worked but surely this didn't happen. Suddenly she remembered Bea, she was about to go back when she saw her squeezing through people in order to get to her.

"Hey, what's going on?" She asked.

"Apparently a town meeting."


They then got to what appeared to be the heart of the town. A stage made of cement was in front and towered over the people. The stage had a big screen, along with a microphone, and podium. People were chatting all around them until the screen showed a picture of a female reporter in front of a big building.

Lauren examined it and she then realized she knew what that was. It was the facility, but there was something different. The windows were now completely closed off, and security was strongly increased around the building.

"We've just been informed that there has been three more escapees from the facility. No information was said about the mutants but we advise you to be more careful. Don't leave your home unless necessary, don't be alone, and definitely don't go out after dark. These things are dangerous, stay safe."

Lauren and Bea were shocked that three more of them had escaped. The reporter didn't mention how but that didn't matter. They were free.

A man then appeared in front of the microphone. "As you just watched, three more of them have gotten out. This means many things, the people are in danger! They can't be controlled like the government had claimed. We know what these mutants do and we cannot let them stain our country's image. It's up to us to clean up their mess. They are outsiders and this is our world! A world where aliens and creatures like them don't belong."

The crowed roared and began to cheer.

Lauren gulped hard and looked down at Bea who was already looking up at her with brown eyes full of fear.

They were wrong, Stock bridge wasn't safe. It was the exact opposite, they had ended up in the heart of the revolution.

A/N: How'd you guys like this chapter? Please vote or comment! :)

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