Chapter 6

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"Stay with me Bea, stay with me. We're almost there." Lauren said almost out of breath.

She had been carrying her wounded friend for the past thirty minutes. Normally she wouldn't be tired at all, but she wasn't used to carrying another person. This also meant moving at a much slower rate because of the extra weight.

After five more minutes, their destination came into view causing Lauren to lower her friend to the ground gently. She examined the building, looking for a way in, but from where she stood, it seemed close to impossible for her to get inside.

"Bea, I'm going to have to get a closer look. Stay here okay, I'll be right back." The girl could only nod weakly. She had lost most of her blood volume already and her breath sounds were getting shallower by the minute.

Lauren didn't waste anymore time and began to climb a tree near the wall that was used as a border. Using her abilities, she jumped from it and landed right inside with ease. She dusted off her hands and began to climb the building until she got to the fifth floor. Once there she passed window after window until she found the lab.

She didn't see the scientists at first, but when she did, she frantically began to knock on the window in order to get their attention. Once they made eye contact, they immediately left their stations and hurried over to the glassed window and opened it.

"Lauren! Oh my god, Ben get the scanner." Cosima ordered her colleague.

"I need your help!" The nineteen year old said loudly as she went inside.

"Yes of course, we'll check you right now. Ben hurry up!"

"No no, you don't understand, you need to come with me!" She said desperately.

"Lauren it's important that we check you out, and where's Bea, we need to check her as well."

"No, not me. Bea. Come with me please!" She persisted. This struck as odd to the scientists, but Lauren seemed like she wasn't going to calm down until they went with her so they did what they were told.

"Lauren where are we going?" Ben asked.

They rounded the corner and that was when both Cosima and Ben saw the figure leaned up against the wall. They didn't have to ask who it was because the closer they got, they recognized their face. It was Bea.

The girl had become unconscious and Lauren looked as though she was going to have a mental break down. "Lauren h-how did this happen?"

Two hours earlier

It had been two days since Lauren had dinner with the Cabello's. Two days since she discovered that Camila's father and uncle were hunting them.

She told Bea and that alarmed the younger girl, but they weren't leaving. They continued the next day living their lives and blending in with society. Lauren went to work at the phone store and Bea went to the restaurant. It was like a normal day, as long as Alejandro and Tyler didn't know them, everything was okay.

It was the end of the day and the two girls had went back to the shed. Lauren wanted to go to sleep but Bea had a different idea in mind, she wanted to go have 'fun'.

"Bea, it's dangerous." Lauren warned her friend.

"Come on Laur, stop being so uptight and live! Just for thirty minutes." She practically begged.

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