Chapter 4

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The meeting was now over and the crowd was dispersing. Everyone was going back to their daily schedules, everyone except Lauren and Bea. As soon as it was time to go, the seventeen year old pulled Lauren away from every human being and stopped once they were in an alley behind a store.

"Dude, we have to go now!" she said strongly.

"I know we do, but we can't...I can't." Lauren replied running a hand through her hair nervously.

"What do you mean you can't?"

Bea stared at the older girl waiting for her to say something but all Lauren did was avoid her eyes. "It's because of her isn't? You don't want to leave because of her? You like her."

Lauren only bit her lip meanwhile Bea sighed, "Laur, we're in danger."

Green eyes finally looked at her, "I know that Bea, but we're safe as long as they don't know who we are."

"You never know what could happen. You know how they all saw the news at once. Maybe next time the media releases pictures of us and bam! we're discovered, just like that."

As much as Bea tried to convince her friend, she knew that no matter what she said or did, Lauren was not going to budge. Lauren was known for being stubborn so in the end she just decided to let the girl be.

"Camila better be worth it." she mumbled before brushing pass her and walking back to the restaurant.

Moments later, Lauren was back at the phone shop. It wasn't as packed at the moment so all she did was reorganize stuff around the store, nothing too complex.

"Hey, where were you? I lost you back there." Camila said coming out from the back room.

"I was um, with Bea, she wanted to talk about, something." she replied with her back facing the brunette.

Camila felt like something was off about the girl, but she shrugged it off and continued ordering new supplies and devices for the store on the computer. Every employee was doing their own thing until the brunette was tired of the silence and tried to start conversation with the dark haired girl.

"So what do you think about the town meeting?" she asked.

Across the room, Lauren was hoping for this topic to not come up but of course, nothing went her way. So instead of being nervous, she gave herself a pep-talk and told herself to act normal.

"Well it's cool how everyone goes to the center of the town. The entire system is well organized and well rehearsed."

"Yeah I agree, at first it was a bit creepy to me since it seemed like everyone was being mind controlled or something, but I then grew accustomed to it."

Lauren nodded, "So is there many meetings that occur?"

"Yeah I mean they weren't as constant as they are now because of you know, the experiments."

"You don't call them mutants like the rest of them?" Lauren asked surprised, but now that she thought about it, Camila wasn't chanting with the rest of the people either.

"No, I'm not against what the scientists are doing in Atlanta. Mother Nature is fighting back and we have to do whatever it takes if we still want to live on this planet."

If Lauren didn't like Camila, she definitely liked her now. Not only did this mean that Camila wasn't trying to kill people like her, but it also meant that if she found out who she really was, she wouldn't expose her.

"What about you? What's your opinion?" The brunette then asked.

"I agree with you. The experiments will determine if we'll be able to live many years from now. Change is scary for people, but eventually, they'll have to accept it if they want to survive." She explained trying to sound like a normal human being.

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