Chapter 8

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"Wait, what do you mean they're all over your house? I didn't see any when I went over." Lauren told Camila.

They had left Bea's room and all four were now sitting at table with the picture of the plant in front of them.

"Well they're always somewhere in the house, sometimes on the porch, or in the kitchen. When they're not there, they're either on top of the fire place or in the bathroom. I don't know, it's weird, my dad has like this unusual obsession with them..." Camila's voice got softer and faded out when the realization came to her head.

"Oh my god, my dad is a hunter. My dad did this to Bea!"

Camila shot up from her seat and started to pace around frantically, "I'm so sorry, Bea wouldn't be in the condition she is now if it wasn't for my dad."

"Hey hey, calm down. It wasn't your dad who shot her, yes he's a hunter but it wasn't him. It was the guy your uncle brought in." Lauren told her now holding her shoulders.

"My uncle? Wait you knew my dad was a hunter?"

"When I reached the bathroom door at your house, I heard them talking in another room. I kind of eavesdropped and put two and two together."

"Why didn't you tell me??"

"Well I wasn't counting on you finding out about us anytime soon, much less today. Plus I couldn't just blurt your dad and uncle being hunters out to you randomly."

Camila stayed silent for a moment, "I guess you're right."

"Alright now that girlfriend number one calmed girlfriend number two down, we can focus on how to get the plant here." Cosima announced.

Neither girl commented on what was said which Cosima smirked at, she had definitely anticipated a smart response from the green eyed girl.

" Camila let me grab a bag and then we'll head to your house, sound good?" Lauren said as she got up. Camila was about to agree but Ben stopped Lauren in her tracks.

"Slow down there Laur, we know you want to help Bea as soon as you can, so do we, but the plant will hurt you as soon as you go near it."

"What? How?"

"Turns out the plant releases toxins that are dangerous for not just you but anyone who has the endogenous virus."

"But it wouldn't be getting in my bloodstream."

"Bea got the worst possible outcome since it was basically injected into her but something can still happen to you just by breathing the air around it."

"Lauren you're definitely not going now." Camila said sternly. "I'll go myself, my family got Bea in this position and I'll help her out of it." She didn't give the other nineteen year old a chance to disagree.

Lauren had no choice but to stand down, not only was it three against one, but Camila didn't want her to go. With a defeated sigh, she nodded in understanding. Ben and Cosima then took Camila to a smaller room where they gave her test tubes so she can fill them with portions of the plant and a duffel bag.

"Try to hurry." Ben told her with a small smile. Camila nodded and gave Lauren one last look before jogging out of the facility.

Once she was far from hearing distance Cosima whistled, "Can you believe it Ben?" She asked loudly.

"Believe what?"

"Someone finally got through to Jauregui here, you see how fast her demeanor changed when Camila told her not to go? How cute."

Ben chuckled, "Oh yea, she's got it bad."

"I'm right here you know!" Lauren said quite loudly.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2018 ⏰

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