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Saphira was so excited she grabbed Millard in her huge jaws and tossed him on her back.

"Saphira! Put me down! This is the second time that has happened! Saphira!" Millard shouted as the dragon took off into the sky.

She looked to her spine to see Millard shivering as he sat there yelling. Saphira had forgotten she was the coldest type of dragon, so she turned around and went back. When she got there she turned back into a thirteen year old girl.

Millard ran up to her. "What was that all about?!"

Saphira teared up. "D-did you mean what you told the demigods?" She asked.

"I-I-I think so. Do you want it to be true? Will you be my girlfriend?"  Millard asked the girl.

She laughed, not from amusement, but from happiness. "Yes, Mill! Yes!" And she hugged the invisible.


(Two days later)

 "Saphira! Come help us!" Leo called the girl. 

She was currently in her Nightwing form, as she just got done with an argument with Hugh. Why, she didn't know, something about Millard. She tilted her aqua colored head to him, an expression that read off as why?

Leo understood. "We need you to carry something for us. Can you grab that plank of wood and carry it over by that tree?" He asked.

Saphira was hesitant. That was where her ymbryne Miss Treecreeper was buried, as she didn't survive a full soul drainage. She shook her green-blue scaled head.

"Why not?" He asked.

Saphira couldn't project anything to him, so she decided to change back. "My ymbrynes buried there. I don't want to go over in that direction." She said when she was fully human again.

Leo understood. "I get it. You don't have to help."

Just then, Millard came up to her. "Hey, Saph. Is Leo giving you a hard time?"

She was shocked, and so was Leo. "What!? No! He just didn't understand why I couldn't help him. It's fine, did you need anything?" 

"I was wondering if you wanted to........go get dinner with me later. There's a place down the street that's run by peculiars and is staffed by peculiars as well, so we should be able to go there." He asked her.

She smiled. "Of course!"


(Three hours later)

Saphira was dressed in a cute dark pink dress that matched her green hair dye perfectly. (Picture below, because I'm terrible at describing stuff)

 (Picture below, because I'm terrible at describing stuff)

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Millard was shocked. "Y-you look.....amazing!"

She blushed. "Thanks! You look good too." 

Mill was dressed in a brown suit (like the one in the movie, cause I just can't describe a thing). "Thanks. Ready to go?" He asked her. 

She nodded. "Ready when you are!"

They began their walk. The sun had set and the stars had begun to appear. The moon was a sliver that night. "Why did you choose me?" Millard broke the silence.

Saphira was surprised he would ask such a question. "Well, technically I didn't choose you, the dragon part of me did, but my heart chose you because you could have escaped and left behind, but you didn't, you stopped and saved me. And that's why I'm not dead. That's why I love you." 

Millard didn't expect her to say she loved him. "Y-you love me?" He asked.

"Well, yeah. Why else would I agree to be your girlfriend? Because I love you, Millard Nullings. Because you are the only one I know that could make me want to wear a dress and go to dinner. Because you are the only human on this planet, check that, in the galaxy that would make me want to go full Icewing on people who threatened you." She explained.

Then, Mill did something no one guessed he would do. He kissed her. And she kissed him back.

"Could you get a room!" They heard two voices say. They jumped apart, blushing. 

The voices belonged to Nico di Angelo and Enoch O'Connor. They were.....talking? Saphira knew Enoch would never talk properly with anyone but Horace, and from what she'd heard from the demigods, Nico was a pretty desolate person. He never had a full conversation with anyone but Will. 

"Well?" Enoch pressured. "Explain yourselves!" 

Millard looked to Saphira. She glanced at him. They both had the same thought on mind. Saphira turned into a Skywing, Mill jumped on, and they took off into the night sky. (Picture of Skywing below, as, again, I can't describe them.)


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"Saphira? What are we doing?" Millard asked after about ten minutes of quiet flying. He was laying on Saphira's back, his head resting on her neck.

She pondered this for a minute. "We are escaping the wrath of  Nico di Angelo and Enoch O'Connor. They are going to kill us when we get back."

He sat up, turning around. "We should go back. Miss Peregrine will be worried." Mill told the giant red dragon.

Saph mentally sighed, then turned around and headed back to the loop. 


(Next morning)

"Saph! Saphi! Saphira!" Millard shouted as he knocked on her door.

She groaned, then rolled over. "Nooooooooo.....go away." She mumbled into her pillow.

Mill opened her door and walked in. "Saph, its noon. Why haven't you gotten up yet?" 

Saphira shot up in her bed. Sure enough, the clock read 12:03 pm. "Why didn't you wake me sooner?" She jumped up and ran to her closet to pick out her outfit for the day.

"Don't bother. We've been left behind by all the others. The demigods have all left to get more supplies to build cabins for those who don't want to live in this place, and Miss P. went to help the last of the ymbrynes make new loops, and she took the rest of our loop friends with her. So it will be just us for a while." He explained their situation to his girlfriend.

She decided to sit back down on the bed. "Oh. Well, what should we do for the next couple days?" Saph asked him.

He thought for a moment. "Well...."


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