New Problem

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Play the song when I say please

The two peculiars left the home, not knowing they were being watched. Someone-something-was watching their every step away from the home.


"So, what books do you want to look for?" Saphira asked as they made their way down the block.

Millard shrugged. "Something in English. We do live in Greece, after all."

She smiled. "Well, what genre? Fiction? Nonfiction? Fantasy? Science fiction?"

"Maybe science fiction? Depends on what they have in our language."

The library appeared in sight. But so did their stalker. 

The person didn't look much like a person at all, but more like a walking skeleton. This 'human' had bones coating their body, almost like an exoskeleton. They still had clothes, yes, but it was kind of like the dragon Saphira can turn into, the Boneknapper. The stranger wore a grey hoodie with blue stripes, black sweatpants, and black tennis shoes. Millard couldn't see the strangers face. This person wore bones like an armour, almost. The bones seemed attached to the persons pale, almost white skin. They had shoulder length brown hair that needed a good brushing.

Saphira stopped walking. "Who's that?" She asked, a little scared.

"I don't know. They look like another peculiar. Maybe they're looking for our home?"

The person walked up to the two peculiars. They said nothing.

"H-hi. I'm Saphira and th-this is Millard. Wh-who are you?" Saphira introduced herself and her soulmate to the stranger.

The armoured person spoke. Their voice seemed echo-y and distant, but clearly male. "I am Erik Falre. I hail from upper London, Miss Thrush's loop. I have been sent to your loop for safety and to learn of other parts of the world."

Saphira and Millard shared a worried glance. They didn't live in a loop. 

"W-well, you should come see Miss Peregrine. She should be able to help you." Millard stuttered. 

Erik nodded. "That would be nice."


They rushed back to the house. Well, rushed as best they could without making it seem like something was wrong.

They had only been away from the house for fifteen minutes, so Nico and Renata were surprised to see them back so early. 

Renata approached Erik slowly. "Who's this?" She asked her friend. 

"That's Erik. I don't know his peculiarity, but he says he's from Miss Thrush's loop." Saphira answered, looking a little worried.

Renata gasped slightly. "From a loop? Oh no."

Millard nodded. "Exactly."

Nico frowned. "I don't understand."

"If we leave a loop for too long, we gain the years we missed quickly. If we had stayed in the loop too long, then gain the years......" Renata trailed off from her explanation.

"Oh." Nico said, the pieces falling into place. "He might.......die." He whispered the last word.

She nodded. "Yeah. That's why we need Miss P."

Just then, Miss Peregrine came down the stairs. "Oh, hello. Who's this?"

Erik walked over to her and held out a hand. "Erik Falre. Miss Thrush sent me from her loop to stay here for a bit. My peculiarity is the bones across my body, and the fact that I can make anything liquid freeze by touching it."

Miss Peregrine froze (Get it? Huh? Huh? No? Okay). "You are from a loop?" She asked quietly.

He nodded. "Yes, is that a problem?"

"'s just that....we don't live in a loop." She said suddenly.

Now it was Erik who froze. "This....isn't a loop? This is current time?"

Saphira nodded. "It's the fifth of August in the year two thousand seventeen." 

"No, no this can't be happening!" He exclaimed. 

"Children, could you go to your rooms please? I wish to speak to Erik alone." Miss Peregrine said.

They all nodded silently and walked up the stair to their rooms. 

The last thing Saphira saw before she disappeared into the second level of the house was Erik lowering his hood.


"What do we do? Will Miss P. set up a loop?" Renata asked, freaking out. This girl had some major stress issues.

Saphira put a hand on her shoulder in hopes that it would calm her down. "Renata. Calm down. Should I put on some music?" 

Renata nodded. "Yes please."

Saph walked over to her dresser, where she kept a modern iPod. She started a song. 

(Play the song here!)

"Better?" She asked. "It's 'S.O.S.'. You like this song, right?"

The animal whisperer nodded. "Yeah, I do. Thanks.

"So, what would we demigods do if a loop is started?" Nico asked. "Would we have to stay outside the loop or something?" 

Millard shook his head. "If you stayed her for only a year or so, it wouldn't affect you like if you stayed here for thirty."

A knock came from the other side of the door. "Can I come in?" It sounded like Mercedes.

"Yeah!" Saphira called.

The door opened and Mercedes walked in. She sat in the beanbag in the corner. "So what's the plan?"

"We still have to create peace between Bella and Celestia, then we have Erik now. Maybe one of us can make friends with Erik while the rest if us work with Celestia and Bella?" Millard suggested. 

Mercedes nodded thoughtfully. "I could talk with Erik and get his backstory. Besides, I know nothing about this thing going on between Bella and Mercedes."

Renata smiled. "That would be great, thanks."

"Yeah. How about Saphira and Millard talk with Bella while me and Renata get more information from Celestia? That way we can split the work and share it again later on." Nico suggested.

Saphira nodded. "That's a good idea. Ready to set it in action?"

Everyone nodded.

They all left the room as the last note of the song was sung.


Omg this story hit 1k reads!

I'm so shocked

I never thought it would get 10 reads, but here we are!

Did you like the song?

It's S.O.S. by Indila Nightcored

It's Renata's favorite song

Anyway, thanks for reading!

Have a nice day and don't forget to stay peculiar!

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