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"You what!?" Millard exclaimed.

"Ssh!" The Brothers and Saphira both say.

 "Yes, I turn into a dragon, but only when I'm either angry, protective, scared, or really depressed. Back in the cell, before you saved me, I was fighting the urge to turn." Saphira explained as the two brothers, with their conjoined arms, led the way.

"That's amazing! I've never heard of someone actually turning into a dragon!" Millard was giddy with excitement. "Calm down. You're probably scaring her." Millard thought.

"You're not scaring me." Saphira said suddenly. 

"What!? You read my mind too!" 

"Yeah...dragons can do that sometimes. Not often, but sometimes. Only if they know they will have a deep connection with that person. I shouldn't have said that. I've made you uncomfortable now, haven't I?" 

Millard shook his head. "Can you not read my mind for a second as I try to process that information?"

Saphira thinks. "I don't think I can. I just learned before our loop was raided that I could maintain my dragon form and that I could read important people's minds. You are only the second."

"Who was the first?" Millard asked.

"Miss Treecreeper. She was my ymbryne. She thought something one morning I don't wish to mention about two of my fellow peculiar children and I aloud said how do you know that? She looked at me oddly, then it dawned on her that I could not only turn into a dragon, but read minds as well. She then brought one of the other children to me and asked me to try and read their mind, but I couldn't. I could read hers but I couldn't read the child's."

Millard thought in this. "Deep connection with....me? What do I? Oh, god. That can't be. Calm down now Millard. You need to think this through. You did just get her out of a cell. Maybe that's it. But still...deep connection. I'll just wait and see what my life brings."

Millard was jerked out of his thoughts when the boys stopped walking. "What's happened?" He asked.

"The exit- said the oldest.

"Is ahead." Said the younger.

"Are you ready to face what might be trying to stop us?" Millard asked the three others.

"Ready as I'll ever be." Saphira replied. 

They opened the door and outside wights, lots of wights waited.

"Well well well. What have we here? Two boys that should be having their souls drained and two prisoners that should still be in their cells." One wights said.

Saphira looked like she was holding something back, deep in her throat.

"Let it take over, Saphira."  Millard thought, hoping she'd hear.

Soon, he saw her start to change. Her arms grew into claws, her dress disappeared, and she sprouted wings. 


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"You're....a.....Seawing! I thought they were just made up dragon breeds from a book series Jake brought in his bag!" Millard exclaimed.

"Yes. I'm a Seawing. Most just refer to me as the blue dragon." Millard heard Saphira say in his mind.

The two boys were in shock, staring at the dragon. "Boys! Come here! Let Saphira take care of the wights!" Millard called.

The brothers came and huddled close to Millard. As Saphira tried to defeat the wights, he saw her get shot a couple times. He knew he'd have to tend to them when she turned human again.

After about an hour, Saphira calmed down and turned human again. She had many wounds and Millard knew in his heart they needed tending right away or they'd get infected and she could die.


It was about ten in the morning when Saphira woke up. Millard was helping the boys make some food in the wights cafeteria. Millard saw her trying to sit up and rushed over to her.

"Hey," He said, trying to start a conversation.

"Hey," She replied dully. 

"So...a Seawing." He tried again.

"Yeah." She replied again.

Just before Millard could say anything more, the brothers walked in with two trays of eggs, bacon, and toast.

"Thanks." Saphira said to the two.

"Anytime." They replied simultaneously.

As they walked away, Saphira began to speak. "I know you probably think I'm a weirdo, being able to read your mind because you, for some reason, have or will have a deep connection with me, and I can read your mind. But please don't hate me! I've been shunned so many times I-I-i just don't think..."

"Hey, who said I hated you?" Millard said to her as she started crying.

He hugged her, feeling a little weird as he only had on a t-shirt he found in an unlocked locker and a pair of old jeans he'd found in an old peculiars cell.

She continued to cry on his shoulder. "I feel so awkward,"  Millard thought. "Why is that?"  Saphira telepathically replied to his thought.

"Because in my eighty plus years, I've never had a girl to do this to me."

"Do what?" She asked, the clouds slowly lifting.

"I think you're pretty." He said slowly.


What did you guys think? Yeah, I got two updates in in one day. The writers block is gone now. I'm starting to think about making this an ending/ Millard x Saphira thing. Do you like that idea. Please let me know what you think. Have a nice night and stay peculiar!

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