Explanation from Celestia

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After the story was relayed by Renata, Saphira and Millard were in a bit of shock. 

Neither spoke for a couple minutes, but Saphira decided to say something. "That makes a bit of sense, but...how is Celestia here?"

Millard shrugged. "I don't know. Maybe she was at the fortress when we collapsed that loop."

"It doesn't matter now. What matters is that it's almost lunch and we don't want to miss Mercedes' infamous spaghetti. Come on!" Renata said, heading for the door.


After an uneventful lunch where Bella and Celestia shared hateful looks every once in a while, the three peculiars decided to look into Celestia's side of the story.

"Who will ask her? Not Sapphie, because she's too soft to get yelled at..."


"Not Mill 'cause he's also a softie..."

"Rude much?"

"And not me because I asked last time."

Saphira sighed. "Well, what should we do?"

Renata shrugged. "Maybe we could get someone else in on our mini quest. That Nico guy maybe?"

Millard nodded. "He seems like the kind of guy for this job. Saph, can you talk to him?"


"I can't believe I agreed to talk to this Nico di Angelo kid!" Saph grumbled. 

Honestly, she didn't mind talking to people, she just was a little scared of the teen. He would shoot people death glares for no apparent reason, and he always dressed in black. Did this guy not know what color was?

Saphira stood outside Nico's room, afraid of his reaction to her question. She knocked.

Nico immediately answered. "What? Oh, hi miss Shadewing. Do you need something?"

"Iwouldliketoaskyouifyouwouldhelpme,Millard,andRenatagetsomeanswersfromCelestia?" She said quickly, spitting the sentence out.

He tilted his head in confusion. "Slow down and ask me properly."

-----------(Yes, another dam timeskip)----------

Nico walked up to the room Celestia was staying in. He hated himself for agreeing to Saphira's request.

Just as Nico was about to knock on the door, Celestia opened it, as if she were expecting him.

"Oh, hello there. I don't think I ever caught your name." She said, leaning in the doorframe.

He looked at her oddly. "Umm....I need to ask you a question."

She walked up to him, standing all up in his face. She seemed overly defensive. "And, may I ask, what that is?"

Nico pushed her away lightly. "Two things. The first; please stay out of my personal space. The second; why do you and Bella argue so much?"

Celestia scoffed, but backed up a little from Nico. "Why would you want to know about that girl?"

He looked at her intently. "I have my reasons. Now spill."

She seemed taken aback by his attitude, but nodded. "Come in and take a seat. This may take a while."

Nico stepped into the room and sat down in a soft chair that was positioned against the wall. 

Celestia sat on the edge of her bed. 

"Well, the story began in 1985. We met in Miss Treecreepers loop. I don't think I remember that little Shadewing girl being there. Anyway, that's a bit off topic. Me and Bella had each met the day we went there a year before. We grew very close, nearly inseparable. We did everything together, even chores! We shared a room just as we do now. 

"But one day, Bella said she wanted to leave the loop. After a year she had seemingly grow tired of being in a loop. She offered for me to come with.

"I told her I didn't want to go with her, but she forced me to go. She dragged me after her as she ran from the only home we knew at the time. When she stopped for the night, she told me if I ran, she would go back to the loop and drag me after her. I was scared, so I stayed with her. We aged the year we had missed in time in the loop. 

"We traveled from town to town, staying where we could, be it in a hotel, under a bridge, or with some strangers. She would perform on the streets for money, telling people the meanings of their dreams. I was supposed to just watch. We claimed to be orphaned sisters. I hated this, but didn't show it.

"One night, we were staying in a hotel. I was alone, as Bella had gone out to get food. Suddenly, she walked in. She looked really angry about something. She throws me from the room, claiming she never wanted me to come with her. I ran away, fleeing to Miss Thrush's loop. I stayed there until it was abducted. I saw the loop at the fortress collapse."

Celestis stopped her story, looking a bit upset. 

Nico nodded, seemingly unfazed by the information. He stood and left silently.


Nico walked quickly down the hall, back to the room the three information-seeking peculiars were waiting. It was Saphira and Millard's room.

He ran in and shut the door. The three looked at him in surprise. "I got Celestia's side of the story."

-----(Conversation skip 'cause I'm too lazy to write it)-----

Millard looked at the notes he had taken during the relaying of each side of the story. "Both claimed to be taken by the other, as well as being thrown from the hotel by the other. Who do we believe?"

Saphira looked to Nico. "Thank you for helping us. If you want to forget about-"

"Are you insane? Getting dragged into this situation is the best thing to happen to me since we got here!" Nico exclaimed. He calmed down a bit. "This house gets kinda monotonous after you get to know it."

"You're telling us! At least we're not in a loop. Then we'd be reliving the same day over and over again." Renata piped up from her spot on the beanbag in the corner.

Millard stood from his place sitting by Saphira. "Well, I'm going to the library for some books. All the mystery solving is stressing me out. Sapphie, would you like to come with me?"

Saph nodded. "Sure, why not?"



Did Bella actually update on time? 

That's amazing

Heh. Well, I hope you guys enjoyed it! It was over 1000 words

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