Revealed? Caught?

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After a 'long night', the cute, peculiar couple walked down to get breakfast. Everyone was already there. 

Enoch watched them sit down. "Fun night?" He asked.

Saphira coughed. "Does it matter to you?"

"Yes, my room is right next to yours." He mumbled as he shoveled eggs into his mouth.

Millard took this time to speak up. "Well, then don't be too loud next door. We were up all night listening to you two. Remember, there are younger kids in this building too."

Horace choked. "Millard! That is not decent to speak of!" He coughed.

"Then don't be doing that! You're both only eighteen! What would your parents think if they kept you?" He argued.

Miss Peregrine stood. "Boys, this topic is not appropriate for the table. If you wish to speak of it, please do so somewhere else." She shouted.

Saphira got up and walked away. She needed time to think. This is overwhelming. Mercedes and Renata raced up to her.

"How are you? Are you okay?" Renata asked. "You don't look too good."

Saph shook her head. "Ren, I'm fine." She muttered.

Mercedes placed a hand on her shoulder. "Saph, tell us. What's up?"

She jerked away. "No! I can't!" She yelled. Saphira ran off, leaving behind two confused friends. 

Mercedes and Renata had the same idea. Ask Millard Nullings.


"Millard! We need to talk to you!" Mercedes shouted. "What happened that messed up Saphiras mind today?"

He sighed. "I don't wanna talk about it. It hurt me as well." 

Renata stepped up. "We can ask the animals." She suggested.

"Great idea! Bye, Millard!" 


An hour later, Saphira wasn't back and the two girls could understand why. They know about health classes in the current times (courtesy of Jacob) and are also feeling the scars settling in their minds. The poor birds sitting in the trees trying to sleep. They saw it all. They heard it all. They replayed it all in their minds, telling Renata.

"I just can't believe it!" Mercedes shouted.

"Agreed! Why would Horace and know?" Renata agreed.

Mer nodded. "We can't tell anyone. Not even Miss P., though I'll bet she knows. She knows everything."


Saph finally came back around sunset. She silently snuck to her room and fell onto her bed. Almost as soon as she sat, a knock came. 

"Saphira! Open up, it's Ren and Mer!" A voice called. The door opened.

"We're so sorry for prying. Renata asked the birds what happened and they told us. We agree with your mental pain." Mercedes said.

Saphira laid down. "I don't wanna talk about it. I pray it doesn't happen again tonight. Maybe we can ask to move rooms. Or put up soundproof stuff." She mumbled into the pillow.

Millard chose this time to walk in. "Saphira! I've been looking for you! Miss Peregrine found an empty room on the other side of the building! We can move our stuff over there!" He excitedly told her.

She smiled. "Great! We can get our first good night sleep in our new home!" 

_________________(All glorious moving stuff time skip)______

Saph sighed. "Done." She sat on her bed. "Ready to sleep?"

Mill nodded. "I'm more than ready."


I'm so sorry for both the late and short chapter! I'll try my best to make the next one longer!

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