Loop Alone: day 1

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Millard thought for a few seconds. "Well, we are home alone...." He said.

Saphira looked at him like he was crazy. "Really?" She stared at the invisible figure.

 "Not like that! Oh my Bird!" He shouted at her. He got up and left the room, mumbling to himself.

Saph took this time to get up and get dressed. She chose a Lapis Lazuli colored knee length dress, then pulled her blonde-pink-blue colored hair back in a ponytail. She took a quick look in the mirror, then left to get some breakfast.

When she got downstairs, there was already two plates of steaming scrambled eggs, toast, and bacon. Millard was sitting down, eating his.

"Did you make this?" Saphira asked.

"Yeff!" Mill said, his mouth full of eggs and bacon.


Two hours later, Millard and Saphira finished eating, cleaning up, and desided to sit in Mill's room.

"So what's the plan for the day?" He asked.

Saphira raised her hand like a schoolgirl. 

Millard laughed. "Saphira Shadewing!" He said, pointing at her from across the bed.

She smiled, putting her hand down. "Okay, two things. One; how do you know my last name? Two; how about we go for a flight again? Last night was fun!" 

"Okay, what time?"

Saph thought on this. "It about three o'clock now, so...half an hour?"


Saphira was out back, and she was already changed into a Seawing. Millard was certainly taking his time. She started stamping her talons, creating holes in the ground.

When he finally arrived fifteen minutes later, she was pretty upset. "What took you so long?! It's now four o'clock! We were supposed to meet here at three thirty!"

He was shocked at her anger. "Okay. I'm sorry! I just had to grab something. Another thing, how did you turn into a dragon without being annoyed by someone?"

"I have gotten my power under control. Now climb on so we can go!" 

Millard scrambled onto the sea blue dragons back. "Let's go!"

Saph took off into the afternoon sky, leaving a trail of dust in her wake.


Ten minutes into the flight, Millard asked her to land and turn human. She didn't know why  but she did it anyway.

Saphira landed in a park, not just any park, but a forest park, where trees of every kind, oak, birch, spruce, and more grew. Millard grabbed her by the hand and dragged her under a blooming dogwood tree, where there was a blue and white checkered blanket, a basket, and....flowers?

"W-w-what's this?" She quietly asked.

Mill smiled, though she couldn't see it. "It's a picnic. This is why I was late earlier. Are you just going to stand there, or do you want to eat?"

Saph sat down on the blanket across from Millard. He handed her a tuna sandwich. "These are my favorites! Thank you so much!"

"Well, I knew you'd like something, but I didn't know what you liked. I just winged it. Would you like a mint brownie or an oatmeal raisin cookie? I packed two of each." He offered her a treat.

She took the cookie. As she ate, Mill left something that looked like a present on her plate, then walked into the woods. Saphira opened the small package. It was a small emerald snake pendant, to go alongside the dragon he got her for Christmas. "Oh, Millard...." She whispered.


I'm sorry for the late and short chapter! I've had writers block.

Have a peculiar day!

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