New Home

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Saphira took to the sky with Millard shouting in joy. "Woohoo!" He screamed.

She began to circle the area. There were lots of beagles wandering around. "Do you know what the beagles are for?" Saph asked the demigods through mental message.

Nico looked up to see her. "Those aren't beagles! Those are monsters! Quick! Come down here and get some of your friends if you want them to survive. Those things are poisonous and Hazel almost died from them!"

She landed just as Nico told Hugh, Horace, Claire, and Emma to climb on her back behind Millard. Festus would take the Brothers, Jake, Enoch, and Olive. Miss Peregrine would transform and guide the two dragons to the new home while the demigods fought the monsters now known as Katoblepones.

Annabeth had a dagger in her hand as she ran from one of the cow-monsters. Leo had his hands on fire. 

"Hmm....he and Emma should get together. That would be cool." Millard thought.

Saphira chuckled a bit at this. "Agreed."

The falcon led both dragons to their new safe home. It was pretty much a mansion on a hill. It had a pool and everything! The bird landed and hopped inside. Both giant reptiles landed and all the peculiars got off. The Brothers were shuddering with fear, but entered the huge building. Claire jumped off of Saphira and waited for Emma and Olive. Emma jumped off and walked over to Festus to help Olive down. 

"Come her child. I'll catch you." She said, holding out her arms. Olive jumped off the automaton and landed, indeed, in Emma's arms. Emma led both children into the building.

Horace jumped off Saphira and tripped. Enoch ran over and caught him just before he fell. "Gotcha." He said, showing a rare smile. 

Horace smiled and they walked hand-in-hand into their new home. 

Hugh clambered off the giant bone-covered dragon. "Thanks Saphira. I appreciate your help." He said.

"You're welcome. It's the least I could do." She replied, smiling as best a dragon could.

Millard was the last to get off. Saph turned back to a human and just about collapsed from exhaustion. Mill caught her. "Easy. Let's go to your new room. Miss P. has our rooms picked out. Some of us share rooms. Hope I don't get stuck with either Enoch or Hugh."

Saphira made a fake upset gasp. "Hugh isn't that bad! Jake, though. He is a pain!"


Miss Peregrine had made a list of who bunked with who and in which rooms. 

"Enoch! I'm with you!" Horace gleefully shouted before grabbing his bag and taking off up the stairs.

Emma saw her name on the list with Olive. "Hey, I'm staying with you. Okay?"

Mercedes (Yes, I finally brought her and Renata back. They had been off somewhere else. They're back now. It's all good.) looked at the list and saw she was with Renata. "We're together! Grab your stuff and let's get going!" She shouted. Renata smiled and took off after her friend.

Millard looked at the list and gasped. There, on the paper, was his name next to Saphiras. "We have a room together! This is amazing! Grab your bag, we're on the third floor. We're so lucky, we have the room with the balcony! Come on!"


Saphira flopped on her bed smiling. "I can't believe we share a room! Everyone else had to share with someone the same gender!"

"Not really. Percy and Annabeth are in the same room." Millard replied.

Saph sat up. "That's different. They need each other. They've been through too much together to be apart anymore."

Mill decided to walk across the room and sit beside his girl. "Well, Hugh has to bunk with Leo. That's kind of funny. Poor, passive Hugh Apiston, in the same room as hyper, ADHD Leo Valdez."

She laughed. Not at the comment, but the thought of Hugh staying with Leo until their quest was finished. "Agreed. But I still wonder why we share a room." 

"Maybe it's because we're soulmates. That might be it. To keep you from turning dragon in your sleep again. You did it the night before we left. I saw you as a giant Rainwing in bed." He said, placing an invisible arm over her shoulder.

Saphira noticed this, but didn't mention it. "Yeah, I was having a nightmare. It was-hang on, why were you in my room? At night, no doubt."

This caught Millard off guard. "I was on my way down to the kitchen for a....uh....midnight snack." He said quickly.

"Haha, that's cute. No. Mill, please. Tell me the-" She was cute off by Mill kissing her. She was once again confused, but then kissed him back. 

They were interrupted about two minutes later by a very rude voice. "Get a room you two!" 

The voice belonged to none other than Enoch O'Connor. He was standing outside their door.

Saphira looked over at him. "This is our room! If you don't like it, go somewhere else!"

He sighed grumpily and walked away after closing their door. 

"Well, that was awkward." Millard said.

Saph smiled. "Well, where were we?"


Evening Dragons! I did it! Another chapter on time! Well, that's all for this week!

Have a great day and stay peculiar!

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