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Jake and Emma found Millard in a cell separate from the others.

"Jake! I knew you'd make it! Quick! Let me out! I know where Miss Peregrine and the others are!" Millard calls.

Emma melts the lock.

As Jake, Emma, and Millard neared the cells in Cauls laboratory, Millard spotted three experiment tables.

"Hey! There are peculiar in there!" He shout whispered to Jake. "Well, lets help them!" Jake replies.

As they entered the room, they saw and recognized the pained faces of the people on the tables.

"It's Melina! And Joel-And-Peter and Peter-And-Joel!" Emma gasped.

Melina was strapped to her table with her arms tied to her sides."So she can't make things move," Millard thought.

The Bone Brothers were moaning and also strapped to their tables. They were separated, and their souls dripping into small vials from tubes attached to their soles.

"And we wondered why they were hiding in the crypt." Millard thought. "They were afraid this would happen."

"Lets free Melina first!" Jake says. "Then Joel-And-Peter."

Emma and Jake set out to free Melina when a crazed wight entered the room.

"What do you think you're doing!?" The wight shouted.

"You guys get Melina and I'll get the wight." Jacob shouts to Emma and Millard.

"Maybe I'll get the Brothers," Millard thinks rebelliously. But then he sees how the wight is fighting against Jake. "Never mind."

So as soon as Melina was freed from the table, she promptly fell over onto the floor and fainted.

Jake had just finished defeating the wight when an alarm goes off in another room.

"Quick! Take his identity card!" He calls to Emma. "Hurry! Let's go!"

"But what about the brothers?" Millard calls to Jake.

"Leave them! If we help them, we might be caught!"

"That's a very low chance. You go on ahead, I'll help Joel-and-Peter and Peter-and-Joel!"

"We can't just leave you behind!"

"Yes, you can. I'm invisible, you aren't. Go on ahead. Save Miss Peregrine. I will save the brothers."

"Ok...just, be careful, okay?"

"You got it!" Millard calls to the quickly disappearing Emma and Jake.

"Now, how will I do this? I will first...." He disconnects the tube from each of their feet. "Now I will..." He bandages their heels. "But what about their souls? Will they be stuck without them forever?"

Just then, the brothers began to rouse. Millard immediately unstrapped them from the table. "It okay," Millard said to Joel-and-Peter, who was clicking his tongue madly, as if testing to see if his peculiarity still worked. "Your brother is over here." He led Joel-and-Peter to the other table, to his brother. They immediately connected and sighed in relief.

"We need to leave. The wights are coming and they will notice that you and Melina have been released." Millard told the two boys. "Quickly!"

But they didn't seem to even hear Millard. Peter-and-Joel just sat on the bed and hugged his brother closely, as if afraid of being separated once again.

"Why won't you come? The wights-" But Millard didn't have time to finish his sentence. He heard a banging on the door and saw not one wight but three trying to break their way in.

Millard had an idea on how to defeat them, but he knew immediately the Bone Brothers would absolutely hate it.

The wights were now using axes on the door.

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