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~Yn PoV~

"Hope sweetie"  I said.  She was sitting upside down on the couch.

"Yes Mommy?"  She said.  OMG MEH HEART SHE IS SO CUTE

"Why are you sitting upside down?"  I asked

"Because uh you do it and uh I tought it might be fun."  She said.

"Well it makes mommy's head hurt so you shouldn't do it."  I said. "And besides you don't want to be late for you 3rd birthday"  

"Is there gonna be cake?"  

"Yes and presents"  She did a flip off the couch and I did some ninja stuff and kept her from falling on the floor.

"Be careful sweetie.  Now let's go get you ready for your party."  I just finished getting everything ready for everyone.  Max is off picking up the cake.  

Timeskip to when people are showing up.

"What's up YN!"  Grace said coming into the kitchen.  I was pulling the cake out of the box.  

"The sky"  I replied

"You need to stop."  

"I know I use it all the time but then maybe you should not say what's up"  I said

"Fine"  Grace said, "You want any help?"

"Sure.  Umm can you pull this cake out and I'ma go find a cake server thing."  I said


I was digging through toys when three little toddlers came in.  

"HOPE BRI GIVE ME BACK MY TRUCK"  A little Mason said chasing after the little Hope and Bri.

"You gotta be fast." Bri said.  She was the youngest at two but she had the glint of mischief her mother had.

"Did someone say fast?"  Adam came in and picked up Mason and flew him over to the girls to retrieve his truck.  

"YAY TRUCK" Mason said scampering off with Bri and Hope on his tail.

"Those girls are just like their mothers.  Always up to no good and causing mischief."  Adam said.

"Yeah and that boy is just like his father.  At the end of the mischief."  I said.

"HEY" Adam said

"Hay is for horses"  Max said walking in.  

"He's got them dad jokes"  Grace said

"I learned from the best."  Max said

"Yeah, someone had to teach him how to be a dad."  I said.

"Well no one had to teach me how to be a dad."  Adam said

"Umm yeah, Mason did."  I said

He just looked at me.

"Well are we gonna eat cake or what?" Max said

"CAKE" Bri yelled running in.

"CAKE" Mason ran in saying

Hope waddled in.  "Tacos"

The whole room burst into laughter.  "She really is your daughter"  Grace said between laughs

"In my defense.  Tacos a really great." I said.

     "Well Hope is a lot cuter when she says it."  Max said

"MAX!"  I yelled

"That's my name."  Max said

"You don't get any cake."  I said crossing my arms.

"But...t"  He said

"I don't wanna see your butt.  Except it going to get my cup in the other room."  I said

"Fine." He said walking to the other room.

"Wow someone can manipulate."  Ross said.

"Yeah how else would she be able score a man like him."  Grace said.

"Umm pure luck and an buttface friend?"  I said

"That's true.  I did kinda try and set you up by forcing you to come eat with me."  Grace said.

"That sounds familiar."  Max said walking in with my cup.  

"You were not supposed to know that I was doing that."  Adam said.

"You weren't very inconspicuous.  Even I could see it and I wasn't really involved."  Ross said.

"Wow nice to know that our friends would go to any means to see their ship sail."  I said sarcastically.

"It wasn't a ship then.  Only later did we start shipping it."  Grace said

"CAKE CAKE CAKE CAKE CAKE!"  The three little toddlers were chanting at the table.

"Well I suppose we should eat cake now then."  I said


1 year ago a smol lil' introverted girl was reading Mithzan x reader fanfics and got tired for finding a bad fic that didn't make sense and said to herself YOU KNOW WHAT I CAN DO BETTER.  And BAM Tacos was born.  It was actually named after the taco truck in the beginning and that then led to me thinking about tacos more and then more tacos came into the story.

Fun fact Grace was very heavily based off of me.  Her tea addiction, Land Rovers, her collection of boots.  I am almost positive that she is the reincarnated version of me.  Anyways she quickly developed her own personality along with YN.  

So on this one year anniversary I want to give a little advice to any aspiring writers.  Take anything you don't like about anything you read and make it better.  And just do it.  Make your dr- I'ma stop before I give myself cancer.  But take the plunge and the story will write itself.  Take things that you find funny and twist them to fit the story.  That's my little secret.  They make satisfying filler chapters.  You heard me right.  I totally didn't write a lot of chapters in here as fillers.  

And finally I want to thank all of my lil' tacos.  Because without you I probably wouldn't be writing this right now and there wouldn't be a sequel and I wouldn't have any of the friends I have met on this journey.  SO THANK YOU I LOVE ALL YOU LIL' TACOS.  I LOVE YOU SO FREAKING MUCH.

Also go check out the sequel

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