I hope this is a nightmare

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~YN PoV~

"I'm hungry" I said to Grace. We were sitting in the offices

"Then get food" She said

"But There is none here or at least I can get without being killed." I whinned

"Then go down the street to the convent store. You haven't taken a luch break yet anyway" She said

"Ugh alone?" I said

"Yes alone" She said

"Fine I'll be back in a bit." I said walking toward the exit.

I got to the convent store and bought the most logical thing Watermelon SourPatch Kids and a chocolate milk. I went to the checkout and asked for a bag too. I dumped my phone in the bag too cuz I lazy.

I started to walk back and decided to take the alley shortcut cause I'm lazy. As I was walking I felt something hit my head and everything went black.

~Grace's PoV~

I was spinning round in my chair trying to come up with something to draw. When Ross walked by

"Rossy~Poo" I called

"Wha?" He answered sticking his head in the door.

"What should I draw?" I asked

"I don't know. A whale?" He said

"A whale? Why a whale?" I asked

"Cause it was the first thing I thought of" He said

"Hey have any of you seen YN?" Red said walking up. "I'm supposed to record with her"

"She went to go get food from the convent store a while ago" I said

"How long is a while ago" Red asked

"Maybe an hour. Wait- a hour she shouldn't have taken that long" I said

"Maybe try calling her" Ross said

"Okay" I said grabbing my phone and calling her but after three rings it went to voice mail. "She didn't answer

"I'll try" Red said. After a few minutes I was running around the office trying to get ahold of YN. Max was also going into a panic.

"I'm gonna try her one last time then I'm calling the police" I said

"Okay" Max said

It rang then it rang again then "Hello?" Came frome the other end

"Oh my gosh thank god your okay" I sighed

"Ummm I don't know whose phone this is but me and my friends saw it going off in a plastic bag on the street and thought we should answer and figure out whose phone it is."

My face went from relief to pure horror. What happened to her?

"What?" Max said anxiously

"Someone else found her phone on the street" I replied as the shock hit me. Something must of happened toget her to drop her bag. And probably something bag. I felt my headhit the ground but felt no pain. Adam grabbed the phone from me and talked to the people on the other end. I think it was Adam but it could of been Red maybe Ethan? I don't know. Ross was comforting me. He was saying something I don't know what. I just hope this is one heck of a nightmare.

And I'm gonna leave you all on that magical cliffhanger. YEAH

Also on a totally unrelated note can someone suggest something cool to draw. I'm really bored

Bai my little tacos

Tacos (Mithzan X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now