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~Max Pov~

"YAY! WE'RE HERE!" Grace and YN yelled. They dragged us all the way out here to this museum. It is called like "Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum" or something. This better be good because these to are gonna be a pain to keep track of.

"Maxy come get a picture of us" YN said

"Fine" I said rolling my eyes and getting a picture of Grace and YN in frount of a sign.

"Come on lets go to the cave!" Grace said grabbing YN's hand and pulling her in one direction.

YN pulled back in the other direction, "But I'm hungry for lunch" YN said

"The cave though" Grace said

"Maybe if you had gotten out of bed earlier we could go to the cave first but since you didn't we have to go eat first" YN said

"It's not my fault the bed was really comfortable" Grace said. Ross blushed because last night was the first time they slept together. Man that sounds wrong

"I agree with YN on this one. We should go eat." Tim said

"Fine" Grace said.

Time skip to after lunch

"CAVE TIME" Grace yelled running toward the cave

"Yes cave time. Now slow down because we're all lazy butts back here." YN said. A chorus of heys including myself rang out.

"Don't denie it, you know you don't want to run and catch up to her" Yn said

"She has point." Red said

"I has lots o points. They just usually never make sense" YN responded

"Another point" Grace said as we caught up to her

"Yay points! But we should stop here and wait for our eyes to adjust before we go into the cave cause I can't see a thing in there" YN said

"Quoting alot of people today, She has a point." I said

"Three points! Does that mean I win Do Not Laugh?" Yn said. Everyone started laughing

" You have been waiting to make that joke haven't you?" I said

"You better believe it" YN said, "Now onwards and upwards-wait downwards"

We ventured into the cave. This place is pretty cool.

"Let's go up through the short cut!" Grace said

"YAH! Come on Max!" Yn said

"But what if I don't want too" I whinned. She gave that look of death to me.

"Fine I'll go. But someone else that is not hyper crazy weird needs to come so I can control these weirdos." I said looking at Ross.

"Nope, they're your problem now" Ross said.

"Come Ross really?" I said, " Fine anyone else?" Everyone shook their heads

"Lets go Max!" YN said called from the short cut.

"Fine Im coming" I said. "Jeese this is small."

"Hurry and come look Max" Grace called

"Hold your horses, OWWW" I yelled banging my head.

"Maybe it will knock some sense into you not to hit your head!" Yn said

" Hey maybe you two need to chill a little. Woah" I said walking into a little overlook of a waterfall.

"Se why we made you come up here?" YN said

"Yeah" I said

"Okay I'm off" Grace said running off.

"You ready Max?" YN said

"Yeah" I said moving ahead. We moved through the tunnels. As we move around a corner. Ross jumped out at me.

"WHAT THE ACTUAL CRUD" I yelled fallinv backward on my butt. Grace was behind Ross while all three of them were laughing their butts off. "THAT'S WHY YOU WANTED ME TO COME, YOU JERKS!"

"You betcha" YN said through the laughs

"I hate all of you" I said standing up and following them out.

"I think someones a little-" Adam said as we walked out

"Don't." I growled

"Mad Max" He finished and followed by the immediate tackle.

" Now if we are done with make me mad then lets go. Now." I said storming off

Sorry its late but this was pretty fun to write and I hope it was just as fun to read

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