Grace's family

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It is two days after Disneyland and the group is in Yuma, Arizona, Grace's hometown


"Why do I have come and meet Grace's parents? She's not my girlfriend, you are" Max whinned

"Because her family is my second family. And I don't want my butt kicked for not bringing my boyfriend to meet them and besides they will love you." I said looking up from my phone

"What if they don't?" He said

"They will I promise. Now let me kick your butt at Mario Kart." I said grabbing my DS.

"I'd like to see you try" He said cackling.

Time skip to the next day

~Max POV~

"Are you excited to see your parents?" YN said to Grace

"YES OF COURSE I AM!" She yelled back.

"Whoa chill please, my ears, ow" Ross said

"What are you not excited?" Grace said.

"I am pretty sure he's nervous about meeting his girlfriend's parents." Yn said. Ross was starting to get red

"Don't be nervous Rossy, my parents will love you" Grace said.

"I'll try" Ross responded. Grace and Yn got lost in coversation and Ross whispered to me, " how are you not nervous?"

"I am, I just, I don't know, maybe it is just the fact they aren't her parents" I said

"Your right they aren't her parents, why are you here?" Ross whispered

"She says they are like family and will kick her butt if she doesn't bring her boyfriend to meet them" I whispered

"WE ARE HERE" Grace yelled


"Sorry" Grace mumbled as she rang the doorbell.

The door opened "GRACE, YN IT IS SOO GOOD TO SEE YOU" A woman I asume is Grace's mom said pulling them into a hug.

"It is so good to see you to, mom" Grace said

"It's great to see you, Emma" YN said

"Jacob, come here our daughter and YN are here" Emma said

"I'm coming" I heard a male voice shout that I assume is Jacob, Grace's dad.

Emma's finally noticed me and Ross awkwardly standkng there. "You didn't tell me you were bringing people. I am not ready for guests, I don't have any cookies made or-"

"Mom stop it's fine" Grace said

"But, fine, I guess there is not much I can do about it-wait what am I doing? Come in please" Emma said. I just suddenly got a lot more nervous knowing Grace's family didn't know we were coming and judging from the look on Ross' face he was thinking the same thing.

"Oh there's my little Gracie~poo and the YN~Chan. Oh it's so good tp see you girls. Look at how much you have grown." A man that I guess is Jacob hugged the girls and they blushed a little at the nicknames. "Oh and who must these two lads be?" He asked

"Oh Dad this is Ross and Max" Grace said

"They braved a cross country trip with you two, I gotta give them respect for that. I am Jacob and this is my wife Emma." He said holding out his hand to shake amd of course Ross and I both shook it.

"It is nice to meet you sir" I said. Ross just stood there nervously

"Nice to meet you too, now come sit and I have to ask why you braved this trip with these crazy girls?" Jacob said

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