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~(YN) POV~

As I was running, I wanted to see who exactly was chasing me, so I turned around. Okay so Adam, Max, Ross and Cory were chasing me and Grace was laughing in the corner. As I turned back around, I saw my doom. A wall. And I ran into it.

"Ow that's a wall." I said and Max took that opportunity to take me down and I pulled him down with me

"DOG PILE" Adam screamed jumping on top of us.

"Ufff, Adam you need to lose weight." I said

"Hey are you calling me fa-ufff" He said as Ross and Cory jumped on him. Grace came over and perched on top.

"What in the world is going in here?" Tim walked in and asked.

"Take a picture it will last longer." Grace said from her perch.

"Ugh why Grace?" I said this was awful

As everyone was getting off each other, Max helped me up and everyone just stared at us and was like oooooh. Max and I exchanged glances. This was the end of us being secretive.

"I ship it." Ross said.

"Maybe because that ship has sailed." Max said giving me a peck on the lips and we both left the room.

Time skip to home brought to you by Superman

~Grace's Pov~

Well (YN) just ran into the bedroom and started crying. Why though? Wait Max better not of hurt her. If he did he's dead.

I grabbed my phone and called him. "Yah?" I heard on the other end

"What did you do to her?" I said

"What do you mean? I didn't do anything." Max was worried


"Calm down, I didn't do anything but I do know why she's crying." He said. He explained to me what happened earlier.

"Okay that makes sense, I guess." I was still worried. "Why did she go to you to cry to though? I have been her friend for yearsand well no offense but you have known her for a couple of weeks."

"I think if you had walked in instead of me she would of done the same. It also could be that she's only known me for a couple of weeks, I don't know everything about her." He said

"Okay, I guess. I'm gonna go comfort her so bye." I said hanging up.

I walked to the door and tryed to turn the knob. Locked. "(YN) open up." I said

Just more crying in response. I went and grabbed a wire to pick the lock with. My waste of time in my childhood was paying off. Omg she might be hurting herself. I hurried to the open the door. She was sitting there with a knife about to cut.

"(YN) STOP" I yelled grabbing the knife. "You can't do that. You have to good of a life."

"But..not now. I have diabetes and people out there hate me and I can't keep myself together." She was crying.

"(YN) no one hates you. And just because you have diabetes doesn't mean you suck. You just need to change a little to accommodate. I'll change with you if you want." I said

She looked at me questioningly. "You would?"

"That's what friends are for right?" I said.

"I guess but people still hate me. Just like I thought they would if I stopped being an antisocial turtle."

"No one hates you, I promise." I said

"Yes they do." She pulled out her phone and went to a YouTube comments. Hate comments at us both.

"And do they know you? They see you once and hate you" I grabbed her phone and found some positive comments.

"See not everyone hates you." I smiled

"You really care about me, don't you?"

"I've known you since 5th grade. I would have never stuck with you and gone on your crazy adventures if I didn't" She had some crazy ideas

"Hey some of those were yours!" Good she was cheering up

"Lets go get some ice cream" I said

"But I can't" She said looking down

"Sugar-Free Duh" I said

"Okay" she said standing up.

Sorry for the short chapter but I had a dentist appointment and a big project due so yah. Thanks for putting up with it



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