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~(YN) POV~

"It's such a nice day we should go for a drive" I said

"Yah we should I heard about a nice one out in Bellevue, do you want to ask if the guys wanna come?" Grace asked

"Sure lets ask Ross and Max"

"Okay I'll text them"

After Grace texts them we headed out.

"Hey guys jump in the back" I called as we pulled up.

"Where we headed?" Ross asked

"There is a nice trail I've heard about with some spectacular views" Grace said

"You never said anything about hiking. I'm not wear good shoes for that" Max said

"Oops. When I say trail I mean a dirt road." Grace said

"That's weird. Why?" Ross pondered

"I was raised that way going out on dirt roads and calling them trails" Grace said

"Okay" Max said

"Can I drive?" I asked

"Sure" Grace and I swiched seats. I spotted a nice mud puddle up ahead and started to open the sun roof. Grace looked at me knowing exactly what I was doing. If you go through a mud puddle at the right speed with the sun riof open you can get the backseat passengers wet. I raced through and not only got the car dirty but Max and Ross as well.

"WHAT THE HECK?!" Max yelled. Ross just had a look of confusion on his face. Grace and I high fived

"Your welcome" I said

"Why though?" Ross said

"Cuz it's fun and besides I'm driving" I said.

"Why did you let her drive?" Max questioned

"She wanted to" Grace replied. He looked at her with the really? look.

"And it's fun when she drives" She added

"If this is fun I want to know whats not" Max growled

"Hehe just you wait" I said

"Oh no" Ross mumbled.

We got to bit of rough rocks going uphill. To most people's eyes it was terrifying but to me and Grace it looked like fun.

"We aren't going up that are we?" Max said. Apperently he was one of them.

"We sure are. It's just a pile of rocks" I said

"You better hang on the sissy handle, sissy" Grace said.

Max rolled his eyes but he still looked terrified. I went up the slope like it was nothing, but I think I got a wheel in the air. Grace had pulled out her phone and got a picture of the two scaredy cats in the backseat.

"You better not post that Grace" Max said

"I won't" She said looking at me. I understood she wanted me to post it instead.

We got up to the view point just as the sun was setting.

"We aren't going down that at night are we?" Ross asked

"Nope there is a nice paved road down" Grace said

"Why didn't we take that up?" Max said

"More fun this way" I said draging him up a hill. We sat down and watched the sunset. Grace and Ross were sitting on the tailgate.

"Man this is beautiful" Max said

"Was it worth it?" I asked

"Yes" He said. "You know what is even more beautiful?"

"I don't know if anything can be more beautiful than this" I replied

"You" Max said leaning in to kiss me. I kissed back.

Time skip to Tuesday which is also the day after you rerelease your channel and the first time you have seen the guys since.

Grace pulled into the parking lot at the offices. I'm kind of nervous because my channel was released yesterday and I got a lot of suport but the guys, well, they will congratulate me and all that stuff but I don't do good under that kind of attention.

"You okay?" Grace said.

"It shows doesn't it?" I whispered
"Yah, what are you nervous about?" She said opening the door to the building

"My channel"

"Why are you nervous about that it has already been released?"

"I....i umm well you know how I do with praise and attention."

She turned around and put her hands on my shoulders. "Yes and you just need to learn to accept it and become part of the praise, okay?"

"I guess"

"Well then what are we waiting for?" She said opening the office door

Grace went around and said hi to a bunch of people. I know she wants me to follow her but I am gonna just go to our office. Since we joined SkyMedia we have a shared office except when we record together then Grace steals someone else's office.

I was in the middle of turning on my computer when Grace runs in grabs my hand and drags me to the lounge area. Holy soda cans. Everyone from the offices was here and Jess, and Alesa.

"Congratulations on the success of your channel!" They all yelled or at least tried to but about half of them didn't get the memo and yelled something else.

"T...thanks" I stuttered. Dang why am I shy in the praise spotlight

"You nervous?" Max said walking over to me. I nodded. "Don't be your an amazing person who works hard to get what she has"

"Thanks Max" I kissed him and went to the table of sweets they set up. It even said sugar free. I was gonna get a cupcake but Jess had the box and was in the corner guarding them like a squearl. I rollef my eyes and got some chocolate.

"Your really humble you know that?" Adam said walking up to me

"No I'm not"

"There you go only a humble person would say that."


"No (YN) I want to thank you for being amazing and starting your channel up again. I know it was a difficult decision but your an amazing YouTuber and you have a good past. You will do well in this world."

"Gosh darn you're making me tear up Adam"

"Would a hug help?" He asked

"Would lots of hugs help?" Alesa said walking up. I nodded.

"GROUP HUG AROUND (YN)!" She yelled. Everyone surrounded me. These people are amazing.

"Thank you" I whispered

Giraffes dancing on airplanes flying through the air

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