Where to?

364 21 14

~Yn PoV~

I guess Grace was right. They all like me. And if they were jerk enough to ditch me they would of already done it. I mean Max didn't have to marry me, he could of broke up with me when things got tough and Grace didn't have to answer my texts when she moved away, she could of disappeared off my radar forever. Everyone I know could of just ignored me and I wouldn't be here, but they didn't because they like me right?

I heard knock on the door frame. "Hey, YN can I come in?" I looked up to see John(Barney) at the door.

"The doors open. It wouldn't be if I didn't want you to." I said

"Okay, I have a sketch idea and I wanted to see if you thought it would be funny" He said

"Okay" I said listening. He explained to me his idea and I gave him some suggestions

I guess I am valuable.

Time skip to home

"Hey Yn where you wanna go on our honeymoon?" Max asked

"I don't know. Where do you want to go?" I said

"I don't care. Where have you always wanted to go?" He asked

"Hmmmmmm, AUSTRALIA MATE" I yelled in an Australian accent

"Yout gonna talk in that accent now aren't you?" Max said


Idk what to say except Happy Birthday Undertale

Love you my little tacos

Tacos (Mithzan X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now