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Hey guys Taco Queen here and I have a favor to ask of you guys.

As you all may or may not know this book is ending. And there are 2 Chapters left (scary huh?) But the sequel plot is in place ready to be written it just needs one thing.
That's where you guys come in. Either in the comments section bellow or DMing me send me your characters. All credit will be given to the creators. And who knows you could be lucky enough to have your character be a main character.

Also I want to say thank you for all the Baby names. I picked one out for the middle name from the comments and a couple of people guessed the baby's first name (no it's not Taco I'm not gonna make the kid go through the pain of that in school)

THANK YOU SO MUCH for your support

Love you little Tacos💙

Tacos (Mithzan X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now