Box Time

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~(YN) POV~

Okay here we go, just turn on the camera and film.  You got this, three two one go

"Hello my little personages, and well welcome back or to my channel.  After a lot of thought, and the support from some amazing people and you guys I have decided to restart my channel."  I made a stupid face at the camera.  "It will be a combination of vlogs and gaming and maybe some challenges I don't know but be excited.  Grace and I now both have part time jobs at SkyMedia and are in college so it will probably more gaming than vlogs.  I was gonna end this here but lets go annoy some people here because you know its fun."  I stood up and walked out to find some people.  "Wow everyone is actually doing stuff and hiding from me.  Ah here are thee editors, Max you want to say hi to all the personages out there?"

"You know how I feel about camera's in my face, (YN)"  He continued looking at his screen.

"Not even for my first video in a long time?"  I said in a little kid pouty voice.

"Wait this is for your channel?"  He said

"Yah that's why I said personages, duh" I said

"Oh yah, thats what you call your subscribers.  I thought it was you just being you"  I gave him a glare at that.  "But any way Hello personages hope you enjoy (YN)s channel"

I went around the offices bugging everyone but I saved Grace for last to do an outro with her.  One of things we would do when we did outros together we would go to a weird random place to do them.  We had done outros in some wierd places.  This time we chose the box room.
"Welp personages I hope you are excited for things to come and I will see y'all later.  BAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIII"  Grace and I screamed at the camera both wearing boxes on our heads.  I turned off the camera and saw Max standing there just shaking his head.  Ross was walking by but stopped to grab a box for his head too.  I knew he wouldn't like this bit I grabbed a box and put it on Max's head.  He immediately took it off and then I put it back on.  We went on like this for about 3 minutes until I said, "If I get 10 other people to wear a box on their headbwill you?"  I gave him puppy dog eyes.  You could tell he wanted to say no but he couldn't.

"Fine" he said. 

As I walked around the offices I got five people plus Ross and Grace so that makes 7.  I really wanted to get Adam, Red and Barney but they were in a recording wit Ross.  You know what screw it.  I walked into Adam's office first since it was his POV. 

"Why do you have three boxes in your hand? Wait why do you have one on your head?" He asked.

"Cuz I want to and you do too."  I said putting one on his head.

"Wait I do?" He said

"Yes because if I get ten people to wear these Max will wear one"  I said

"Oh my gosh yes.  How many do you have?"

"This makes 8 and then Red and Barney" I said walking out.  I got Red and Barney to put them on and ran out to Max.

"MAXY" I called and put one on his head.

"Wait you did it?" He said

"It is not that hard to convince people to do something when it means you have to wear a box on your head.  Now picture time"  I said pulling out my phone.  Snap Instagram time.  I posted it with the caption BOX TIME and tagged all the people I got to wear boxes for this. 

"Now can I take it off?"  He said

"Not till the end of work silly" I said running off to edit my vlog.

Sorry it's short but I spent all day at the Grand Canyon and I'm tired.  But anyways I like chocolate cake


Tacos (Mithzan X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now