Chapter 33

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Lucy's POV

After dinner I go into the living room and watch tv for a while. I hear the doorbell ring and my mom goes to get.

"Lucy! What happened?" I hear Gabbi ask behind me

"I got pushed down some steps." I say as Gabbi sits down next to me

"Oh im so sorry! How long will you be in the cast?" She asks

"4 months. And then another month with a boot and then 2 weeks with a wrap. That is what they are expecting anyways. It may change depending on how it heals." I explain

"I will carry your books at school!" She says

Gabbi is the best.

"Thanks." I say smiling

"So are you going to be at school tomorrow?" She asks

"No." I say

"Aww I hope you feel better. Do you mind if I watch tv with you?" She asks

"Thanks and nope. I'm waiting for Pretty Little Liars to come on." I say

"Yay! I forgot a new episode was on." She says

We watch the episode then she heads home.

I then grab a quick snack and manage to go upstairs. I put a plastic bag over my cast and go take a quick shower. I get into pajamas and crawl into bed. It doesn't take long till I fall asleep.

Hayes POV

I wake up for school in the morning with a huge headache. My mom lets me stay home from school. I take some pills to try and help it and get ready for the day.

As I lay down on my bed to relax I remember that Lucy is home. After my parents and everybody leaves the house I go over to Lucy's.

I knock on the door.

"Hello Hayes. Come in." Her mom says "I was just about to leave for work."

"Is Lucy here?" I ask

"Yes. She is still sleeping but you are welcome to watch tv in the living room until she wakes up." She says putting on her shoes

"Okay thanks." I say and head into the living room.

When her mom leaves I walk up to Lucy's bedroom. She is passes out.

I crawl into bed next to her. She is so cute when she sleeps. I cuddle next to her and turn on her tv. I watch a few episodes of tv when Lucy wakes up.

"Hayes... What are you doing here." She says rubbing her eyes

"I felt sick so I stayed home." I say smiling at her

She smiles back and I kiss her forehead.

"Do you want some breakfast?" I ask her. She nods. Then I go downstairs and pour some cereal and cut and orange.

I put it on a tray and carry it up to her room. She sits up and I place it on her lap.

"What movie do you want to watch?" I ask her as I climb into bed next to her.

"You pick." She says taking a bite of her cereal

I choose the first movie in comedy. 21 jump street.

We watch the movie and talk until her parents come home. I stay for dinner then head home.

Lucy's POV

Hayes came over today and we watched a movie. He is the best boyfriend ever. After Hayes leaves I go into my bedroom. I'm scared to go to school tomorrow. What will Megan do? Will she hurt me? The thoughts keep me up all night.

I wake up at 5:30 in the morning. I usually wake up at 6:00 but instead of falling back asleep I decided to get ready. I don't know if it will take me longer. I go into the bathroom and wash my face and brush my teeth.

Then I put my hair up into a bun. For clothes I put on one of Hayes football sweatshirts and leggings. I put on some chestnut boots... Or should I say boot. I throw on some mascara for my makeup.

My the time I'm done with all of this it's 6:45. I hop downstairs for breakfast.

"Good morning honey!" My mom says

"Here is some toast. Do you want me to drive you to school?" She asks me handing me a plate with two slices of toast.

"Yeah that's fine." I say taking a bite

"And it's Thursday so you have volleyball practice. I want you to go to support your team." She says

"Okay." I say. After I finish my toast I grab my backpack and get into the car.

When I arrive to school I open my car door. I see Megan get out of the car in front of us so I make sure to take longer getting out.

"Do you need help?" My mom asks

"No I got it." I say.

Once Megan is inside the building without noticing me I get out of the car. One of the teachers hold the door open for me. I go to the office to get the elevator pass.

"You are only allowed to take one person in the elevator with you. And you are allowed to get out of class 3 minutes early. You can have one person carry your books." She tells me. She then attaches the pass to my crutches.

I go over to the elevator and get in. I go to my locker.

"Hey Gabbi!" I say. Gabbi was already standing at my locker

"Hey! How is your leg?" She asks

"Good. But these crutches are a pain." I go to try and open my lock but my crutches kept falling.

I manage to ope my lock and get my books out. Gabbi picks them up and we go to homeroom.

"You are late girls." The teacher says

"Sorry. I'm still getting used to these crutches. And Gabbi was helping me." I say

"That is no excuse. No sit down. You're lucky you didn't get a late slip." The teacher says.

Someone is a cranky today. We make our way over to our seats. Hayes is no where in sight.

I make it to 3rd period totally fine without seeing Megan around. As Gabbi and I were going to my locker Megan comes around the corner.

"Hahaha. Fake." She says kicking my crutch as she passed by

I fall the ground. I try to blow it off but I just can't. Why is she so mean to me?

Mr. Blue Eyes (Hayes Grier Fanfic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن