The Appocalypse-Chapter 1-The Beginning

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I'm Alan, your average everyday kid. I have good grades, never get in trouble at home. My life was normal, until one day when I was at my friends house. His name was Chandler, and we were home alone. His mom was out on a date with this guy named Tim. We were sitting there playing Halo Reach. The power went out.

"Man, that sucks! I was just about to kill tht big dude!" Chandler said

"Why did the power go out?" I said.

"How the crap am I supposed to know?"


"There's a storm right there dude" I said

"Call my mom and ask her where she's at. It's like, three in the mornin and she said shed be back at twelve." he said.

"For a dollar." I said.

"Shut up"


I dialed her number and called. RING RING RING RING

no answer. "she didn't answer."I said

"What? That's not like my mom. She'll call back later. Let's find something

To do"

"Ok, but what is there to do?"

"We could go to sleep?" That came out more of an answer than a question.

December 29, 2012

I woke up to the sound of banging. Where was chandler?

"Chandler?" I yelled. I got out of bed and grabbed my baseball bat; she's a real beauty, black, slowly comes out to a metallic silver at the bottom handle, BBCOR certified, 33' long and was 32 oz. Anyway, I walked out of the bed room, bat at the ready.

"Chandler?" I called again. No answer. I walked down the hallway checking every door. I heard some rustling in the kitchen, so I walked in. I turned facing Chandler, with a bag of chips in his hand.

"What the heck are you doing?" I said

"Eatin some chi- what's the bat for?"

"I thought there was someone in the house. Have you heard from

Your mom?"

"Nope, but I've called her seven times and she hasn't called back."

"I wonder if shes o- SHH I think I hear something." I creaped around

The corner, chandler was on my butt-with a sword that was hanging on the wall. "Really dude? You act like there's gonna be some zombies coming at us or something."

"You never know man." he said.

We walked to the front door. I looked outside and there was nothing. No one driving by, no dogs running around, I noticed there seemed to be an empty feeling out there, and a hazy unusual fog, even when it was super hot yesterday. I opened the door. "the sound seemed to be coming from here..." I said

"I hope everything's alright." chandler said. All of a sudden a big white SUV came out of no where and slammed into a tree. We went to look at it. There was no one inside, which I thought was kinda weird. Then I heard a scream from down the road we both looked at each other and ran. There she was, covered in blood and running as I had ever seen anyone run. She came and pleaded our help saying something about running flesh eating things. And then I saw them. Five running...zombie things? I had only seen this in movies and video games. I looked at chandler and said,"What were the odds of that happening?"

He smiled and said,"oh, you'd be surprised."

"Dead Rising 2 time?" I said.

"Oh yeah!" we both turned and I made the first hit of the day. I hit one up did the head and watched as it fell over and died. Chandler sliced the head off another like it was made of butter. Then the third one tried to get behind me, but I ended his days by kicking him behind the leg and hitting his head and like a baseball sent it flying. I saw Chandler easily killing the last two. It was done. We both cheered and turned around to see the girl that came running at us again, but this time as a zombie. With one hit on the solid of the head, she was out. Chandler cut the other ones heads off and we burned them to make sure they didn't come back.

The AppocalypseOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant