She held the knob that belonged to Jack, and slowly creaked it open to reveal a clean room. They must've cleaned it up after the incident, she thought. She took a step into the room  and looked around. Every room has an attached bathroom, a bed and a desk. She went to his bed, and saw his old blue jacket that he used to wear in his missions was neatly folded on the end of the bed. On top of the jacket was another picture, but it only has two people in it. She took it and checked it further, and it was Jack and Gabriel; smiling and each of their arms were resting on the other's shoulder. They were good friends back then, sadly that friendship shattered by the wrath of jealousy. She let out a sigh and placed the picture back to where it was.

She left the place and closed the door behind her. She continued to walk to her room until she reached her destination, opening the door revealing her neat and tidy chamber. She plopped her bag at the side of her bed, and sat on the edge of it. Scanning her room, nothing really had changed. She lied down on her bed and watched the ceiling. Her mind was filled with unwanted thoughts and memories, she just wanted to forget; but how could she? She never wanted to forget their existence, but she didn't want to remember how their stories end so bitterly. Her head hurts so much from all of the thinking, she just held her head trying to stop the throbbing. It took a few good minutes until slowly drowsiness caught the best of her, and her eyes slowly drifted to sleep.

The meeting was over, everyone had scattered around the area doing their own thing. Angela just met Ana and asked if she saw the two men, and the mature woman said the last time she saw them was still at the meeting room. Something in her gut told her that something wasn't right. She rushed towards the meeting room hoping that she still have time. The door was in sight, and it was half open. But she could hear cursing, yelling and things were thrown in there, it was a ruckus.

When she reached the door, Jack came out with a scorn face. He stomped out from the room, ignoring the Swiss woman dumbfounded in front of the door and went his way somewhere far from the place. She slowly took a peek in the room which she found a mad Gabriel, facing his back at her with a broken chair at the other end of the meeting room. Was she too late?

"What happened?" Her voice broke the tension. She was scared, but that doesn't mean she didn't care. Her silky voice somehow caught his shoulders stiffened, but slowly relaxed when he knew the owner of the sweet voice.

He looked away, but still spoke in a rough tone. "What are you doing here?" He asked.

She came closer until she was completely behind him. Her hand rested on his back, but he didn't budge.

"I felt something was wrong, so I came here to check on you guys."

"Looks like you are right. Some shit just happen." He barked with a sting.

"I saw Jack just came out from the room. He look mad. What happened?"

"It's none of your goddamn business."

"Could you at least tell me--"

"I said it is none of your goddamn business!" He growled, but never turned to look at her face.

"Would you stop being stubborn for once?!"

"What do you care?"

Angela went silent. No matter how hard she tried to convince him to tell, but once he is stubborn, it was pointless. She was about to leave, but suddenly he spoke.

"He..." he paused for a moment, before he continued,

"..He got promoted..." Those three words unexpectedly shocked her. Promoted? Was that all of the commotion was about?

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