It was a 2014 Black pearl Honda civic. It was in great condition. "Wow! Ivan! Sweet ride! Its nice." I say running over to it. "Not even a scratch on this baby." I say looking at the nice gloss on the exterior of the car. "Haha. Thanks I didn't think that you were a fan of cars." He says. "Ah. Growing up with an older brother and just my dad until he remarried, I've become a fan of cars." I say. He smiles.

"Wow. I wish I knew about cars like you do. I heard it turns guys on." Sam says. Ivan looks at her. "You don't need to know about cars, Sam." I chuckle. "How will I talk about cars with you?" She asks. "Talk carro to me." He says grabbing her face, followed by the little saxophone tune in 'Talk Dirty To Me' by Jason Derulo. She laughs lightly pushing him away. He unlocks the car and we all get in.

It was so cute, as he drove he held her hand. In a way I admired them, maybe even envied them. How Ivan could be with Sam without having to worry about being seen. I was happy for them, I really was. But, something about seeing a happy couple in front of me, made me want to cancel the whole plan just so I can be with Taehyung. Though we were so close to the end.

"Valerie." I get pulled out of my thoughts. "Yeah?" I ask. "You okay? You seem-". "I'm great. There's nothing to worry about." I smile. Ivan shoots a glance at me. "Val. Stop lying. Its a sin you know." My eyes widen. "Don't even remind me. I haven't been to church since I was like.. Six. I'm a grown woman.. 27 to be exact."

I throw up my nose and sit back in the polyester seats. I didn't notice that the car still had that new car smell, did he buy it recently? The floors did look clean, and the cracks in the seats were crumb free. Unless Ivan's a clean freak.

Wait. I'm off topic here. "I'm due for confession." I bite my lip. "Aren't we all..." I hear Sam say under her breath. "Yup." Ivan let's out as he exhaled. "Ivan bribed me to come." I say. Sam busts out laughing. "What you get her for?" She asks him. "A soft pretzel." He smiles as he pulls into the malls parking lot. "That's a note you gotta take Ivan, girls love food." Both her little hands grabbing his.

"Noted." He grins. He parks the car and we get out. "Omg. I got my paycheck and I've been dying to buy new bras and.." She leans into me and wiggles her eyebrows. "With Ivan here?" I ask. "Who else is going to tell me I look good?" She asks. My jaw drops and I laugh lightly. "Just kidding." She blushes. We walk into the mall, and I notice Ivan leading behind. I look at her. "How come you're acting distant from Ivan?" I ask.

"What do you mean? I'm here with him aren't I?" Her eyebrows knit. "Like.. You haven't kissed him what so ever." She grins. "I feel that its disrespectful to kiss my boyfriend in front of my best friend." She explains. "I have all day to kiss him, and in front of you isn't the time." I smile. "And I don't want you to already feel more of a third wheel. You're here to let loose not to be with a couple that can't keep their hands to themselves." We walk onto the escalator.

"I just personally think its straight out disrespectful when someone's making out with their boyfriend when they're with their friend. And I respect you, so why would I do something like that?" Wow Sam. I smile as we walk off the escalator and onto the second level of the mall. "That's really sweet Sam." I hug her. She chuckles. "You're my best friend." She whispers. "But can you at least hold his hand? So he doesn't get lost. Ivan looks like the type to wander." She chuckles.

"You're right." She turns. He's still barely coming up the escalator. Sam runs up to him.  A smile splits his face, he wraps his arms around her, picking her up. Her arms and legs wrapping around him. He kisses her cheek and she jumps off, grabbing his hand. "You two are so cute. I can't help it." I say. Ivan's face heats up like he just eat a ghost pepper. "Let's go to Victoria Secret." Sam insists.

If Ivan's face wasn't already red, its redder now. "Can I go check out this game at Game Stop?" He asks Sam. She chuckles and nods. "I figured you'd say that." She looks up at him. "Meet you at the food court?" He asks. She nods. He hugs her and kisses her forehead.  He waves to me and I throw up a peace sign. "I'll watch her." I wink. Sam's jaw drops. "Its cause you're pretty." Ivan whispers. Her cheeks turn pink. "Exactly." I say.

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