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I took off my shirt to sleep in my bra and then my pants to put on some shorts to sleep in. When Megan came out of the bathroom on her bra and a thong. I looked at her up and down. Damn. She pushed me to the bed, getting on top, she started to kiss my neck. I unhooked her bra and started to let my hands wonder.

The light coming throw my window wakes me up. I start to open my eyes when I see Megan sleeping in my bare chest, and I remember it. We fucked last night. Or more like I fucked up. I shouldn't have done that. Shit!

Unlike the other people I have been sleeping around I actually wanted Megan to stay around, she's one of my best friends and sleeping with her wasn't the right move, what if she wanted to have a relationship with me, I know she liked me, I can't break her heart

"Dude" Megan broke me out of my thoughts "I can see your panicking"

"What?" I said connecting my eyebrows

"Your face is making all this weird things" she said smiling


"It's okay" she got up and started to put her underwear "I know you don't feel like that about me"

"I'm sorry"

"Don't be! I'm over your sad ass anyways" she turned around to look at me, and I waited for her to continue "we were drunk... It was nice to say the least" she smiled which created a smile in my face "but I'm interest in someone back home"

"How come I had no idea?"

"It's resent"

"Shit my head hurts"

"Yeah we should drink water"

Megan opened the door and walked away. Then I saw my brother Nick look at me from outside my room

"Really?" He asked laughing

"What?" I asked not knowing what he was talking about

"You and Megan"

"Shit!" I said covering my face "did we wake you up?"

"No gross!"

"Then how did you know?" I ask confused

"Her face walking out of your room and I can see you your clothes on the floor"

"Get out!" I scream laughing

I put on my pajamas and walked out of my room to meet Megan eating breakfast with everyone in the kitchen

"Good morning" my mom greeted me

"Hello everyone" I say sitting down beside Magan

"What's up with you?" I look at my friend "you look sad" shit is it because we slept together, does she regret it now, did I push her away

"Your face is doing that thing again" she smiled at me


"It's okay, but I do have something to tell you" she said looking to my mom, weird. She took my hand and took my to a more private room "Look my mom called earlier and she told me that she had to go to some business trip so she's picking me up to go with her and when she's done we can hang there" she said with a sad smile


"Sorry" she apologized this time

"No I'm glad you came"

"In more than one way" she winked at me

"Seriously?" I asked in disbelief of my friend making that joke

"Sorry I had to"

"Well yeah cuz I'm the best" I said winking this time

"Wow! Did you just.."

"I did" I smiled

"You're terrible at this jokes but good try!"

"So when are you leaving?"


"Okay so we still have today!" I said optimistic

"That's the spirit" she said

"Come on I'll take you out"


After driving for a couple minutes we finally arrived at the aquarium. I have a love-hate relationship with zoo's and aquariums... The thing is that I hate the fact that we kidnap animals and make them our prisoners for our son entertainment. We take them from their families and from their homes and have them her in tiny spaces. But at the same time how else would we be able to see so many of them and be able to admire them without spending a fortune...

But Miami has one of the dopes aquariums I know so I had to bring Megan.We had a blast taking selfies with as much animals as we could making silly faces.

After that I took her to eat at my favorite place, which is Cuban food. Which actually Lauren told me about when we were on tour and I have been coming here every since I came back.

Since this was the last day I was going to spend with Megan we took a bunch of pictures of everything, in the car, eating in the restaurant and in the beach. I'm not normally one of those people but I want to have pictures to remember better this day. We saw the sunset by the ocean and then we drive around for a while talking and listening to music. Until it was time to go back home.

"Thank you" Megan said kissing my cheek

"For what?"

"For the best day ever" she said getting into bed

I cuddle to her "thank you for coming"

"You know.. I talked to my mom..."


"And we decided to cut the trip a little shorter to I can come see you the last day" she said exited

"Aww you can't get enough of me" I joked

"I hate you"

"No you love me!" I said falling asleep

A/N: uhuuuu this is the 3th chapter I write tonight after not writing for a long time, it's 1am here and I'm thinking about writing the next one. But I should probably go sleep. I have to wake up early tomorrow. So like, comment, and that shit if you want...

Have a good day/night !


ONE NIGHT  (Lauren/You) complete Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat