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You wake up as the sun hits your face, you look around confused not being able to remember half of the stuff you did last night and your head starts to hurt like hell, you find a note on the pillow next to yours that simply reads 'great party', with that you start to remember part of the night before

You wrap your arms around her and take her off the ground, kissing her neck, she wraps her legs around your wrist and you walk to your bed.

"Shit!" You whisper to yourself "did I...did we... Ohh god I can't remember"

With that you see your best friends face appear at your door

"Interesting night huh?" You can see the smirk on her face

"Did you see the girl I was with last night?" You ask her

"No I was too busy trying to end the party, first time I throw a party and it got out of control" yeah it wasn't like her to throw parties or go to them for a matter of fact "did you two...you know?"

"Honestly I don't remember much, I remember her stunning green eyes looking through my soul" you say smiling as you remember more of her

"Well it's not like you'll see her again, right?" She asks

"No just a one time kinda thing" after all your just recovering from your heart break and you're not really looking for something serious

*One week till you graduate*

C: I was thinking

You: you?thinking?

C: ha ha ha

You: hahaha okay tell me

C: IDK if I want to now

You: oh come on.. I love u?

C: okay what if u come with us on the tour? You know u want to take time off and u can travel with me and finally meet my band mates!

You: ugh idk, I don't want to bother them

C: I already talked to them and they are happy to meet u and have u around

You: why are they happy? They don't even know me

C: IDK if u know but I talk about u sometimes :P


C: Kay I'll make some arrangements for u to get on the next plane!!!

You: wait till I graduate buttface

C: ahhh OK but you better get on a plane that same day cuz I miss you and can't wait to see ur ugly face

You: u luv my ugly face

C: ...

You: ...

C: true

With that you two fall sleep. The week goes by fast, it's finally the day. It's been four years since your best friend has been on Fifth Harmony and for some reason you can't understand you still haven't officially met her band mates everytime you make plans for it something goes wrong it's like destiny doesn't want you to meet them, which just makes you more nervous, their your best friends, and you're gonna live with them for at least six months, on a bus, knowing no one but Camila.

You say goodbye to your friends and family at home and you take a cab to the airport, you can't wait to get to Santiago Chile, where their next show is. It's a long flight and your mind starts to wonder on different thing you start to imagine how are the girls in real life, Camila talks wonders about them, by what she has told you they are all very accepting and that must be true if they are gonna let a total stranger live with them, you catch yourself thinking of the hot stranger of the party, you still have no idea who she was, where is she from or even her name, yes it was just a one time kinda thing but you can't get her eyes out of your mind and it all makes her more interesting and mysterious.

Your phone starts ringing and it's Camila who tells you the driver is already outside waiting for you, you grab your things and head outside looking for a sign with your name on it, when you see a guy on a suit and a white paper that reads "Dimple" which was a nickname that Camila gave me when we were little, cuz when I dropped my ice cream in the sand she quickly told me we could share hers, and the biggest smile grow on my face reveling my single dimple, our parents have been friends for a long time now, our moms meet at college and since then they have all been inseparable, as you and your best friend.

The driver drops you off at some parking lot and gives you a VIP pass so you can get backstage where the girls are preparing for their show, you first go and leave your things at one of the buses and change your clothes since you want to look nice when you meet the girls. Then someone comes looking for you so you can go say hi to the girls.

"Dimple!" You hear your best friend scream when she spots you walking towards her

"Hey buttface!"

"You're late" she says with a sad face

"Yeah there was traffic and all that.. where are the girls?" You say looking around for them

"They are already ready to get on stage, you'll have to meet them after" she hugged you and starts running to what you assume is the stage

After the concert they have a little meet and greet so you wait outside on the parking lot with your guitar playing on of your favorite songs let her go by Passenger, when you start to hear someone sing the chorus

Only know you've been high when you're feeling low
Only hate the road when you're missing home
Only know you love her when you let her go

You look around in the dark night to see a gorgeous girl approaching you from behind you you turn to your guitar to keep playing and she sits besides you, turning your face to look at her you see her beautiful green eyes and you stop playing

"You" you say mirroring the girls surprised facial expression

A/N: Heyyy. Yes I know no one's reading atm and idk if some will ever but I'm really enjoying writing this story, idk where it will go, but I'm exited!

Well I'm guessing you all know who "you" is but 😱😱😱 keep reading to find out how it all goes.

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