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Your POV

I'm starting to see why the girls love Brazil so much, the harmonizers are crazy here, I mean a good kind of crazy. Today the girls had a meet and greet before the concert and the fans gave them the sweetest and most thoughtful gifts. I was in the corner of the room watching them interact and pose for the pictures, it was cute, Camila was being her dorky self, and Normani, girl you can't take a bad picture of her she's always ready, Ally and Dinah are just doing every kind of thing, while Lauren one second is cute and the next is the most sexy thing I have ever seen. I can't, I just can't I want to go to her and just kiss the girl.

"Hey do I get a picture too?" I ask Lauren getting into the restroom while shes fixing her hair

"You get a picture whenever you want" she says kissing me on the cheek

"Do that again" I say grabbing her phone and taking a picture, I look at it and see Lauren kissing me on the cheek with a smile on her face and closed eyes

"I can't believe I have a pic with Lauren Jauegui," I joke "1/5 of fifth harmony"

"You dork" she smiles "Ill see you later I have to go... break is over"

And with that she left me standing on the bathroom all alone I guess I might as well go pee. As I am in the bathroom I check my phone as always to see that Lauren had posted our picture on her Instagram, she didn't caption it or tagged me on it, cute.

I look throw the comments and start to read the ones that are meant for me

- Who's that ugly girl?

- Lauren you can do better

-  You're too ugly to be next to Lauren

- Shouldn’t you have a license for being that ugly?

- They look nice

- God damn I think no one will ever be able to fix your face

- I like her hair

- You’re so ugly, when you look in a mirror your reflection throws up.

I felt tears running down my face, I stormed out of the bathroom crying

"Hey dimples where are you going?" My best friend asked, I just looked at her and kept walking towards the exit

"Was she crying?" I heard Dinah ask the rest

I just got out of there and into the bus, I lay down on my bunk and started to look at the comments again, sure there were nice ones but most of them just wanted me to fuck off, to leave Camren alone. I get it I'm not that pretty but shouldn't they just be happy Lauren seems happy, isn't that what matters?

I woke up by the sound of someone talking

"It's all my fault Lucy" I recognize Laurens voice "I am the reason why"

She took a deep breath "I can't do that to her"

After a couple seconds of silence she just said "I don't want her to go through that" and then  "I love you" with that she left the bus

I stayed in my bunk for a couple minutes more until I got bored so I went to the bathroom and fixed myself, I looked at the clock and saw it was late at night, I looked around the bus and no one was there. Oh right they are in the middle of a concert!

I got out of the bus and got backstage to see them perform.

"Amazing" I said as they were all getting out of the stage, when Camila saw me she just ran towards me and hugged me

"You okay?" She asked me

"Why you asking"


"Oh right! That was nothing" I lied

"You sure?"

"Yes I just saw a picture of my family and... Well I miss them" I said which is true but it wasn't the reason why

"Awww" I heard the rest of the girls say except Lauren who was no longer there

Hmm weird...

"Goodnight!" The girls screamed at us while getting into their bus

Camila and I waved and got into ours, I went to the back of the bus to serch Lauren and there she was on her bunk

"Hey" I said

She closed her book "what's up?"

"I didn't saw you leave"

"Oh I was just tired" she said opening back her book

"Okay, do you want to eat something?"

"Not really"

"Okay..." I said "I guess I'll talk to you later"

"I'm finishing the book so if you could close the door on your way out that would be great" She said without even looking at me

A/N: it's been a while but I was figuring out how to continue my idea after the last chapter.... And it took me a while since I didn't want it to suck more than usual lol
Anyways I decided to change the way I was writing this book so now it's from your point of view. Hope you like it!

ONE NIGHT  (Lauren/You) complete Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat