9. WTF

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"mhhhh" I groaned

I started to open my eyes when the voices didn't shut up. When my eyes finally adjusted to the light I saw four girls standing by the side of my bed, I look to my side and saw I was cuddling with Lauren. My eyes widen, shit this is not my bed!

"We didn't mean to woke you up" Ally says almost whispering

"No it's okay" I lied to not make the situation weirder, I hate when people wake me up before I have to and today I didn't needed to be woken up this early, sure I have no idea what time is it but still. I was about to sit up when lauren turned around and grab me by the wrist.

"Don't go" she said with her raspy sleepy voice. The girls laughed at her cuteness, making her open her eyes to see all her band mates staring at her. And without thinking it she pushed me out of the bed causing me to fall to the ground.


"Hahahahaha" the girls laugh

"See that's what happens when you don't sleep with me" Camila mocked me

"Ha ha ha" I say sarcastically

"Speaking about it, why did you sleep with Lauren?" She asked and I could see she was actually curious

"Ohhh..." I thought about something "I went to the bathroom and when I came back you were taking the whole space" I lied, and I think I'm getting better at it, not that's something I'm proud of

"Mhmm" she said analyzing my answer

"And the light of the bathroom woke me up so when I saw her standing there looking at you I told her she could just sleep in my bed" Lauren continued the story making it more believable

"Exactly!" I almost yelled like if I just had a right answer for a test

After that Lauren and I got ready to go for breakfast, we walked a couple blocks from the hotel till we found a cute restaurant. We got inside and started to talk until the waitress came and gave us the menus. Ally asked for some eggs with bacon and coffee, Normani just took a salad, Dinah had pancakes and eggs with bacon, Camila asked for banana pancakes and bacon with extra bacon, I ordered cereal and Lauren asked for the same.

"Thank you" Lauren said to the waiter after finishing the order

"Just ask for me if you ladies need anything" he replied looking at Lauren with heart eyes

"He's cute" Dinah said as soon as he was out of the picture

"Yess" Mani agreed

I looked at a thoughtful Lauren "I bet I can get his number" she said with a serious face.

"5 dollars you can't" DJ said

"It's on!" Lauren added

Lauren was really quiet the whole time we were eating, I don't know why she's acting so weird, I should ask her when we go back to the hotel. When we were done with our food I called the waiter, he came quickly with the check

"My treat" I said stoping the girls from grabbing her wallets, they didn't fight me on it since they know they have no chance. While I was placing the cash in the bill folder and put it close to him.

"Hmm" I cleared my throat making the stare competition between the two of them stop so he would notice I was already done, he took it and went to get me my change. Lauren look down at the table as if she was thinking her next move and stud up going after the guy.

"She's gonna win" Mani said exited

"No!" DJ protested

I saw her from the table flirting with the guy near the kitchen, the guy took a pen out of his pocket and write something on the bill then gave it back to her. She walked back to us with a wide smile until she saw me frowning, but she easily shocked it off

"Here" she showed us his number written in the bill

He then came and gave me what was left of my money, I took some of it and tip the guy

"Call me" the waiter said once we were leaving. Great!

You know I don't fucking care! I lie to myself trying to ignore the pain in my chest. How can I be falling so fast for this girl, I say to myself looking at the green eyed girl walking next to me

A/N: hmmmm oh well lol
Just a filler chapter, sorry if it's bad :P

The news of today hit me hard but at the same time we all saw it coming. Then I heard the video of Lauren talking to Ally about how they treat them like slaves, her voice was cracking up, and it broke my heart to hear her like that. I hope it gets better for all of them. I support them all and wish them the best

I also hope you are all doing good!

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