"Because I don't know what to do and you probably will so I need your help."

Great, his friend wants help, only problem with that is, for some reason Ashley is one of the dumbest people when it comes to math, and teaching her makes you want to pull the trigger on yourself.

Harry opens up his textbooks and his paper, as he starts to go through the questions, he answers them relate boy quickly and he catches up to the part that Ashley is stuck on.

"I'll be honest, I don't need help, but I was being nice and making you work so you wouldn't stress about it later, you are welcome."

Harry huffs, and Ashley's face falls.

"What's wrong, Harry, why are you so upset today," she whispers in his ear. She plants a small kiss behind his ear.

"You literally just were flirting with Vik, why the hell are you kissing me in the middle of class like everything is all ok, because it isn't."

Harry doesn't reply, and once again just grabs our his phone, Ashley keeps begging him about constant things but he just ignores her until the lesson is over. When the bell rings Harry collects his stuff and walks out of the classroom quickly.

"What they hell is wrong with him," Ashley mutters under her breathe as she runs to catch up with her best friend.

She bumps into a solid chest, she falls to the ground, and looks up to see a tall blonde boy in front of her.

"Hey," she smiles warmly as he stretches out a hand for her to stand up.

"You're the new kid, Simon right?" Ashley laughs, fidgeting with her legs, trying to look as good as possible, it was no lie that she thought he was hot.

"Yeah I am, what's your name," he smirks.


"Your friends with the weird kid right?" He asks, turning more serious and looking her dead on.

"You mean Harry?" She asks.

"Yeah, he's so weird, he keeps staring at me, no one would be friends with him, right?" He laughs uncontrollably.

"Yeah, in all honesty, I'm only hanging out with him so I can build up his confidence and then smash it back down and make him know that he is the biggest loser in the school." She lies, not feeling at all guilty.

She was his friend. Why would she betray him?

"Wow, naughty girl, I like it." He smirks.

Ashley melts with that look he gives her, he reaches out his hand for her to grab, and they start to walk, when they reach the lockers near the cafeteria, Harry notices the two of them together.

Harry sits alone on the empty table as he watches the cutie and Ashley together, they laugh and he holds her hand, they grab their lunches and sit at his table with him, Josh, the boy with the weird laugh and another girl close to Josh.

He feels the anger boil up inside of him as he realises how much of a trader Ashley was to him.

Harry eats his lunch alone.

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