Chapter 11

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Joseph Jonas was in the hospital for 90 days before Kate could confirm with certainty that he was "ready" to leave the hospital and return home and to normal life.

She was not prepared for how he reacted when she told great news ... expecting joy and a smile across his face ... yes, there was a hint of a smile .. but there was also a fear .. and mostly sadness.

"Are you sure?" He asked. It took a moment to realize the meaning of words.

"Yes, I'm sure."

Joe paused. He replied after some time. "What if I'm ready?" He asked quietly.

Kate smiled and answered. "Well, I can not make you leave. But I say how I see it from my side.

Joe nodded and nervously ran his hands down her thighs.


"Can you  please tell Kate that you love her," said  Joe to Steven. "And seize her from trying to get rid of me?"

Steven turned his head and blushed. "I dont know what you're talking about."

Joe grinned at the older man and went to him to sit down. "Yeah, of course you dont know."

Steven smiled. "It's going to know that"


"You're too excited to go home, right?"

Joe turned his head. "I am," he paused. "But at the same time, I am terrified."

Steven patted his shoulder. "You will be allright. I'm the one who's scared. "

Joe laughed. Yeah, after that he will miss.

"I hope so." He said and really meant it. He hoped that it will continue this way even when you are away from the hospital.


It had been nearly six months since she disappeared and Joe still did not know where she is or if she's ever coming back. She sent a couple of short messages to their friends, but never directly to him. He still believed that she will  return to him. These reports represented for him gave him hope and kept him on the right path. Once she wrote a letter directly to him. Without a return address and a name ... it was folded greeting cards and wrote in it, "I miss you" and "I'm so proud of you  Joe." Besides, there was nothing.

That was more than a week ago, and his heart started beating faster every time he looked at it  and remember it.Honestly, he almost had a heart attack when he opened it.

He missed her every minute of the day. While he worked, trained, or just relaxed  she was always on his mind. He remembered the past, what he did wrong. And then his thoughts began to take an unpleasant way "what if." He was thinking about where she is and what she does, how she feels, if she still loves him or if she fell in love with someone else. He thought about what he would do and say when he will see her  again. He thought about their future.


Baby, you're the inspiration for this precious song

And I just wanna see your face light up since

you put me on

So now I say goodbye to the old me,

it's already gone

And I can not wait wait wait wait wait to get you home

Just to let you know, you are

Joe sighed and decided they should start preparing for his homecoming. He was not ready yet, but hoped that it will be good. Now he says goodbye to the people in the hospital, and then it will be all on him.

Behind the gates of the hospital waiting for him a lot of things and changes. In personal life and at work.

That was another thing of which he had to start thinking. Interviews, photo shoots, autographs. He knew he wouldnt give any right after leaving the hospital, but he also knew that it would not be able to avoid forever. And then be able to return to what he loved and what was best. Music.

It all waiting for him. When he's ready.

During the time he was in the hospital he wrote several songs and couldnt wait, and was excited at the thought of it until he  will play with his brothers and friends, to  play for his fans. He couldnt wait to return to the studio and on stage.He knew it would take some time before returning to the podium, all this comes at the right time.

It was something to look forward to.


"Joe," Nicole sighed into the phone as she looked around the house Joa a few days later. "Michelle's things are still here, you know .."

"Yeah." He sighed Joe.

Michelle took only essential items she needed when she left. He expected. The rest of her things were at their house ... actually everywhere, where they spent the most time and considered it home ... on the bus, and here in a house on the beach ..

"Um, well, you want it packed up and moved to the basement or something?"

Joe paused and thought. "No," he said quietly after a while. "For now, let where they are, please."

"Well, it's not a problem. All is here to stay. "

"That's great, thank you again for everything Nicole."

She smiled at his answer even though she could not see.

"I know that I'll always be here for you. I must point out that in front of your house with paparazzi camped. Probably there is some time to get rid of. "

"It does not surprise me."

"Probably not. It was just for your information. "


Joe took a deep breath and stepped on the mini stage. He greeted his fans and smiled. Two weeks ago he announced that Kate is ready to go home today and decided to announce that it will be his last appearance for them. It was his thanks for their help. In a few days they return home.

Steven began to play the guitar and sing their cover version of Mirrors by Justin Timberlake.

In the next few days he will face a lot of things which are feared, but now .... Now he  will have a little fun.

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