chapter 6

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Michelle had a day off, but Angel not. This will not be a good day. She watched as the only human who knows who she is putting the finishing touches hermake up, waving her and quickly closes the door. She sighed as she began to feel loneliness.

Angel was the best friend Michelle in these days. She met a couple of people at work, with the girls sometimes she  exchanged a few words, sometimes they  went together to the cafe after work, but nothing more. She did not try to meet with anyone in the vicinity. It was not intentional. She goes out to clubs, cinemas. It mattered little to her, but fear that she was being recognized more. Her life was a disaster in these days.

Michelle missed Joe. With each passing day more and more. Being away from him devour her alive, but she knew how much worse it would be if she came back and nothing has changed. Joe just miss her ... She missed the guys, the rest of the band, her friends, her life ..All of them were like family ..they  love each other, shared memories, foolishness they shared. She missed her best friends, Kevin, Nick and Nicole, and every day she had to fight with herself to not call and tell them where she is. Kevin was her friend for a long time, then met Nicole. Jonas Brothers were a band. Kevin played on keyboards, sang Joe and Nick played drums and guitar. Much they traveled together even though they were not very famous. At the time, Kevin took a long time before it all happened. In fact, it was he who introduced her to  Joe. It's strange how much her life has changed.

And Nicole ... Nicole kept her awake most of the time. She knew what it was to be  one in a million, which  dream come true. A dream in which you  marry her idol and live happily ever after ..

Nicole and Kevin were together a long time. They were among those happy couples. They had done a lot of fights, like any couple, but they have learned how to overcome all differences and obstacles. Together.

Michelle was homesick. It missed the times when he did not hide. When she felt safe. After the days when Joe and I spent the night making love. She lacked his arms. She missed her life.

She looked around the empty apartment. "Argh! This is how it will look now my life ?! "she shouted to the empty apartment before she got up from the couch and went to get the book into her room. Books were her only way to escape reality for a while and calm down. She stopped at the small library." Harry Potter ! ' She had all the parts. Not a weirdo. It was nice to stop for a moment to think and imagine what life would be at Hogwarts.


'Cause everytime I breathe I take you in
And my heart beats again
Baby I can not help it
Keep me drowning in your love
And everytime I try to rise above
I'm swept away by love
Baby I can not help it
Keep me drowning in your love

"Hi," said Kevin to  Joe when he came to him on the podium.

Joe turned his head and smiled. "Hello. Hey I was wondering, what is your master next couple of days? "
Kevin nodded. "We have a break before the next concert."

Joe looked at Kevin's bandaged hand. "It hurts?"

Kevin looked at the plate. "It hurts like hell but it heals. Slowly."

"That sucks."

"Yeah," he agreed Kevin and came closer to him. "Hey, do you think you would have a few free minutes on weekends?"Kevin asked quietly.

Joe looked at him suspiciously. "Yeah why?"

"My friend has a birthday in a few days, Michelle, I mentioned it a few times?" When Joe replied with a nod, he continued.

"It is a big fan of the band and will be on Saturday at our concert. She could see you come backstage after the concert?He really should her dream come true. "

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