Chapter 3

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When the interview was interrupted by advertising, Angel stood up and stretched. She turned her head toward the door, checked the hundredth time. Angel did not think Michelle would have been fine if he came in the door, saw her lying on the couch to watch this crap.

Demi always refused to talk about personal things, but now she talked only about her, but also the lives of others. She always tried to stay away from the topic Demi / Joe / Michelle -love triangle. Until now. But hey. The singer had no new film or gossip about which to speak. Nor she talked about it all the time. Especially when  print wonder.

They had hot topic ..


"What about the drugs? It is publicly known of his struggle with alcohol and drug use, but as long as you know that's his problem?

Demetria sighed and pushed a strand of hair from her face. "Some time."

"While you were together?" She tried to get more information from her.


"Before Michelle?"


"Before you get married?"
"Yes. From the beginning it was not a problem. Later was  .  things out of hand and now it's like. "

"He took drugs while you were dating?"

"It happened a couple of times, I know."

"You asked him about it? You told him to stop? "

"Yes," she replied, nodding his head, "and he just laughed and kissed me on the forehead and said," Sure honey, "and he stopped moment."

"What were you doing when you found out that once again taking drugs?"

"I waited until he was out of their influence. And then I told him. He said some excuse or invented new, "she shrugged." Sometimes, when I caught him said, "Nothing more," and I believed him. Other times we are just more fighting. "

Presenter nodded. "When things started spiraling out of control ..?"

She sighed. "Wow. It's quite blurred. "

"It was Michelle? It was she who made him take it again? "

Demi shook her head. "No, he fell before. We had problems, as I mentioned earlier .. He was having problems. A lot of things happened .. new record, preparing a tour, glory .. But .. but yeah, when Michelle came into his life, I was worse. It was not her fault, in any case, I dont say "quickly tried to fix ,

"It's just .. he had to deal with much more and he just did not know how."


Angel heard in the distance, they started playing One Direction and got up from the couch with a sigh. Really you should find another hobby besides sitting at the TV when not at work.

She followed the noise, forgetting exactly where the phone was. One day she  really lost her  phone. Finally.. she found him in time."Halo" he said. he called her mother .. which meant that they see the rest of the conversation. Even if she came back into the room and gave the recording mode, Angel knew it would upset her. Her mother controlled everything, as always.

It insisted on full attention when you talked to her. And if you did not pay her .. God be with you.

When she finished the call, Angel returned to the position on the couch, tossed the phone aside and took the driver to give the TV louder ..

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