Frazels' Bundle of ..... // Part 1

Start from the beginning

Hazel walked through the doors of PalaceHill Infirmary in New York city, "Hi, I'm looking for Dr Solace" she said to the woman at the front desk. "Do you have an appointment?" she sighed.

"Erm no, but he's my brother-in-law"

The woman sighed, "whatever", and said she'd page him.

"Hazel what a nice surprise." Will beamed when he saw her. He pulled her into a tight hug. "Hi Will".

"Whats wrong, why are you here? Not that I'm not thrilled to see you mind"

"Actually I haven't been feeling very well, I just thought maybe you could help me, find out whats wrong"

"Sure come on lets go to my office" he said.

Wills office was a spacious place with a beautiful view letting in the natural light. He has decorated it with a large abstract painting Hazel knew was done by Rachel and the walls were lined with Wills certificated. On the shelves behind his desk held numerous photographs, including one of the infirmary team dressed in orange scrubs beaming but also looking exhausted, one of the Apollo cabin, another of the whole camp, one of teenage Will and Nico, Nico of course looking moody after being dragged into a photo, and another of their daughter Bianca when she had first gone to live with them at just 2 days old.

Hazel told Will all about how she was feeling. Will was silent for a moment, she thought she saw his lips curl up slightly in a smile, "OK Hazel this may be slightly awkward but I have to ask, when was the last time you had your, you know .. when was the last time you had your period?"

Hazel opened her mouth to answer but then closed it, she couldn't remember. It must have been last month, it had to be. 

Will nodded, "and have you had any type of food prefence as of late, or have you suddenly gone off something you once loved?". Hazel thought about this too, she remembered how a couple of weeks ago she'd taken Percy and Annabeth's children to McDonalds and yet she hadn't eaten any more then one of her chicken nuggets, and then she remember how just last night she'd sat marking papers on Picasso and eaten pickles a food she  usually found to be disgusting.

"What does that mean?" Hazel asked although she was sure she already knew the answer.

Will smiled. "I think there's a possibility you might be preganant Hazel".

Hazel processed this information, she was shocked.

"What do I do now, how can I know for sure?" she asked Will.

"We could always go downstairs for a scan if you'd like, or if you'd prefer Frank to be there when you find out you can always go home, go to a pharmacy and buy a pregnancy test, see what it says, and then depending on the result the two of you come back the next day and we can do a scan?"

Hazel nodded, "I like that last answer, if I am .. I want Frank to be there with me"


It was late by the time Hazel got home. Frank was on the sofa watching TV.

"Frank I need to tell you something" she said.

Frank must have seen the look on her face because he immediately sat up, turning off the TV and  a look of concern swept over his face.

"I might be pregnant" she whispered.

She looked up, Franks mouth was open in a small O, he looked like he didn't know what to say.

"But I - I don't know for sure so I went and got a pregnancy test, all I have to do is go to the toilet and do my business on it and a couple of minutes later we'll know, infact I bought two just to be sure".



"How long has it been?" Frank asked for what felt like the millionth time.

Hazel knew how he felt, who knew 3 minutes was such a long period of time?

"2 minutes"

Neither of them knew how to feel, on one hand if it was positive that was such a great thing, it would mean that their was a tiny soon to be human being inside of her, half Hazel and half Frank, but that was also such a daunting thought, were the two of them prepared to become parents?

And yet if it was negative it would be heartbreaking, they saw their best friends with their children, Percy and Annabeth with their 3, most likely soon to be 4, and Jason and Piper with the triplets, Will and Nico who had Bianca.


The sound of the timer made the two of them jump.

3 minutes had passed.

They both looked to the nightstand where the two pregnancy sticks laid ontop of a piece of toilet paper. Hazel closed her eyes and picked her up. She wasn't ready to look.

"Frank you look, I cant, I'm too scared".

She heard a strange sound escape from her beloved husbands throat.

"What?" she opened her eyes and saw the two little lines on both of them.

"Positive" she whispered.

"We're having a baby!" Frank said, his mouth curling into a huge grin, "We're having a baby!"


Hope you all liked Part 1. I had so much fun writing this, while watching WWE from 2010 and eating Jammie Dodgers. I haven't uploaded in a while so like I said I hope you like this. Make sure to vote and comment what you think and if you have any scenarios you want to see, any certain future stuff like any weddings or whatever!

Also since this is my first time uploading in 2017, Happy New Year to all reading this, I hope you have a great year!

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