I strolled into the room and plopped on my bed and grabbed my phone. A few minutes later, Alex broke the silence.

"Hey John." He mumbled, did he just now notice me? Wow.

"Hi." I said in return staring at him.

"So... I was thinking.." Alex started and turned around on his swivel chair to face me, "Would you like to go get dinner together? Since we're roommates and all I kinda want to get to know you better. Plus, you've already introduced me to your friends.."

I grinned, "Sure! Wanna go now?" Alex nodded in agreement and closed his computer.

We both stood and walked out of the dorm to somewhere to eat.

Once we arrived we sat at a table and waited for the waiter, having a small talk while doing so.

Finally the waiter walked up, "Hello, my name is Holly, and I'll be your waiter. What may I get you two to start off as for a drink?"

Me and Alex both got water then she nodded and walked off.

"So, John. Tell me some stuff about you." Alex smiled looking at me.

I stared at him. Stuff about me? What is there to say? "Er... my names John Laurens... I have four siblings.. a mom and dad?" I chuckled, "I don't know. Oh! But I do love turtles."

Alex laughed slightly then nodded, "Interesting." We went back and forth asking questions to each other until before we knew it, it was 7:30 pm.

"Wow, we've been here for like 2 hours. Maybe we should leave?" Alex laughed. I nodded and we both stood up then walked out.


Alex's POV
(One week later)

I sat in class quietly listening as Mr. Washington lectured us about how we could be whatever we want, and how we all have great potential. As much as I loved class, these were the things I wasn't much of a fan of.

I'd rather learn then just hear the same thing over and over again. I get the point, I mean why does he have to tell us? I am going to be something great. I know I am. So why do I need to hear it again?

"See, everyone in here has the potential to do amazing things."

"Even immigrants?"

I froze staring at the person that had said it. His name was Thomas Jefferson, and for the past week or two I've just gotten a whole bunch of glares from the guy.

I don't know what his problem is, but I was 99% sure it was directed to me, and god, I was not going to let it slide.

"Yes, even immigrants Mr. Jefferson." Washington sighed.

I glared at him and he returned to glare, but he also had a huge smirk plastered across his face.

"But all immigrants are dumb. Their IQ level is extremely low. I don't understand why the hell we still allow them, Mr. Washington."

That's it.

"I'll have you know." I started standing up in my seat and glared at Thomas, "I, my self am an immigrant and my IQ level is higher than you wish yours could be an-"

"Mr. Hamilton, that's enough." Mr. Washington snapped glaring at me. I looked at him and my eyes narrowed and I plopped in my seat, arms crossed.

This was far from over.


After class I collected all my notes and books and walked out. As I walked out the door I noticed Thomas was in front of me. I glared at his stupid puffy hair and sped up pushing him with my shoulder as I passed him.

I grinned with satisfaction as I continued to walk, until I felt a hand grip my shoulder.

I turned to see Jefferson glaring at me, "Excuse me?" I muttered glaring back at him.

Instead of responding, he just pinned me back into the wall.

I stared at him, "Get off me!" I snapped.

"No, listen here immigrant." He spat.

"You don't run the school. I do. Got that?"

I don't really remember much after that, but I do remember me screaming at him, and saying a few..... words.....

I also remembered punching him somewhere between that then well, he started kicking me. I don't know exactly what happened, but I do know it hurt.

"Now listen here, I want you to remember this, you're just a useless immigrant. I suggest, you go back to where you belong. The Caribbean."

I don't know what he exactly did but I knew it hurt, and soon enough, darkness swallowed my vision.


Hello! Fifth part ;D; I had such a writers block while making this but I finally did it. Sorry this chapter is so freaking crappy... I wanted the book to actually start to get somewhere so why not do what every other one does and make Thomas a bully?

;D; I'm sorry.. anyways, I hope you're all liking the book so far! And thank you for taking time out of your day to read this c:

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