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Hussain POV

I opened the messages and read one by one.

"Sorry battery down when I was about to call" Aliya

" and I think it's better to chat after Nikah because we are non Marham na " Aliya

" please try to understand " Aliya

"I know I said I will call and I did but you didn't pick up " Aliya

" It must be for good. Shall we continue chatting or phone calls after Nikah " Aliya.

"Please don't get agry but think of it and let me know " Aliya

I felt small smile on my face because she sounds just like what I dream about my future wife.  Because I do mistakes and I want someone to stop me and correct me when I do mistakes. Alhamdu Lillah I am blessed with a great partner.  I know she is right for me. Why she thinks I will get angry? It's impossible. How can I get angry with her when it's not her fault, I should be angry with myself for continuing with chatting.  I took the phone to reply to her. I know she must be waiting for my reply with worry, thinking what will I say.

" Hey sweetheart don't worry I understand and I will try to keep away from these until our Nikah but I can't promise because I never promise which I can't keep" Me

As soon as I send the message it got dubble tick then it turned in to blue.  Which means she is reading.  I waited for her reply because I don't know what exactly to say to her at the moment. 

"Thanks!  Your okay with it na ? " Aliya

"Don't you trust me? " me

" I trust you more than myself " Aliya

"Good then believe me, I am okay with it and there is no any relationship without team work so I  will support and respect all your decisions today and forever" Me

"Thanks so take care and be happy Insha Allah will meet soon as Mr and Mrs " Aliya

"Awww so impatient to become Mrs Hussain  😉 ? "

" Arggg , Okay that's enough " Aliya

"But I can pass any messages through Maha right?  " me

"Yeah that's fine and I will too because I can't wait without knowing about you " Aliya

"Love you sweetheart! " me

"Luv you too Mr handsome " Aliya

And that's the end of our chatting then I deleted all the messages and returned the phone to Maha. She started to tease by saying that she will get disturb by Aliya's messages for me. Little she know that we both have got to conclusion not to chat until Nikah. 

So I just said " we are not gonna chat until Nikah so don't worry Choti " I said

"What ? I mean why ? Are you both got into arguments?  " Maha asked

" Choti relax!  Nothing like that actually we are not supposed to chat but we did and I don't regret that moments. but Aliya wants to keep it that way without having any conversations before Nikah. If she wants this then I can do it for her.   " I said

"Bhai are you sure you can do that ? " Maha asked

"What ? You mean without chatting to her ? " I said

" Haan Bhai,  I know you can't live a single day without thinking about her and now after chatting do you think you can be away from chatting with her ? " Maha asked

" Choti,  Pyaar mai  (in love ) we have to do sacrifices but you won't understand now" I said

" haan I don't even understand head or tale, but I got to know that love can make a person stronger and patience like you " Maha said

"Okay enough of talking about me and my love story,  what about you?  "I asked

"About me ? " Maha asked

"Yes.. I know you want to study but I stopped you from that because for you that will be too much  but if you say anything within ask me I will get you " I said

"Anything? " Maha asked

"Haan anything for my Choti" I said

" Life partner like you " Maha said and turned to other side.

"What ? " I asked in shorck

"Just kidding bhai , I don't want to spoil my teenage years by getting  Married, I just want to enjoy, but haan I will like a trip to Malaysia with you one day so I can enjoy" Maha said

"So you want to go to Malaysia? " I asked

" Haan Bhai I love to travel and my favourite country is Malaysia so I wish I can see the beauty of that country with my own eyes without seeing on photos" Maha said.

"Insha Allah I will take you soon" I said and gave hug to her.

This is the first time she has asked for something and I will try my best to make it come true. I thought to myself and went down with Maha to have breakfast. After the breakfast I said Allah Hafiz and went to office with goals to achieve.

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