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Be thankful

(Dedicated to FrozenRaio for supporting me from the very beginning to reach this far)

Aliya's POV

At around 6.30p.m Dad came home. I ran to meet him, I said greetings and sat on the sofa with him to hear what happened in Hussain 's place. Dad was tired so I didn't ask too many questions, but yet I get the information which I been waiting.  That my mother in law was so happy to receive food made by me. Hussain is at office,

"He will take another 1 to 2  hours to reach home. So after that only I will get the replies" I thought to myself

I made tea and served to my Mom and Dad and went upstairs to pray Magrib.  I kept asking Du'a to make our journey easy and make better understanding between me and Hussain.

I have always been prepared to face the life after I am engaged,  but nothing can be predicted before it happens. In life every day is a challenge for a believer. Each and every steps in life new responsible. All this while I been a granddaughter,  daughter and sister but I am someone's would be wife, daughter in law and sister in law. And it goes on as Aunty and so on..

"The biggest fear of every single girl is how her life patner will be and her in law's.  Because once she is married she has to spend her life with her life partner and she also belongs to that family. Everyone doesn't get lucky enough to get caring and loving family. But you are so lucky to get wonderful family. Some people be good at the beginning and later on changing in abusive. But trust Allah, Insha Allah everything will be fine. And don't try go in between Hussain ' s and his Mom. Because then she will feel that your trying to separate them, instead give him some time to spend with his Mom and take her out once in a while. It will make your bonding stronger."

As I was thinking of Zoya"s advises, I heard a knock on the door. I said " come in " and sat on the sofa.  Then my Mom entered the room.

"Can I have few words with you ? " Mom Asked. 

"Yes,  Mom come site, even I want to say you few things. So what's it Mom ? Is everything alright?  " I asked little worried by looking at my mom's dull  face.

"I came to ask you the same, Is everything alright? " Mom Asked.

"Mom.. why are you asking suddenly? " I asked with little smile to make the atmosphere light. 

"Look beta, I know there is something going on in your life regarding Hussain, So tell me what's it ? " Mom Asked. 

"But Mom how do you know?  " I asked with little suprise.

"I am your Mom, I can understand you by looking at you with you telling me, but I need you to be open with me and trust me to share everything " Mom said.

"Mom, actually this is what happened" I began and said everything to Mom. the chatting with Maha and Hussain, the convention with Zainab and I asked Maha and it turned into a problem by Hussain getting angry and finally the apologises. 

"You should have talked to me first, because the truth is something else "Mom said.

"Sorry Mom.  What truth? " I asked Mom with confusion. 

"Zainab 's friend who was proposed to Hussain is, Mala Aunty's daughter our old neighbour and the proposal didn't get refused by Mala Aunty because Hussain is not suitable, but Hussain refused because he doesn't want to Marry someone who belongs to someone else. Mala ' s Aunty's daughter was already in love with someone else and Mala Aunty didn't like the boy because he is shopkeeper,  so she tried to Marry off to Hussain." Mom said 

"What ? So why they said opposite and it's a lie!  how could they do this to such good family as Hussain's ? " I asked Mom with frustrated and shorck by hearing the truth.

"Beta this world is full of people of all kind, Not all are with good thoughts and not all are with bad thoughts. And our society is such people doesn't want to look bad for others, for that they will say bad about them or even worse create bad image of them."Mom said.

"Another thing beta, be open mind and treat everyone with kindness even the people who do bad to you.  Because who knows maybe they will change by your kindness." Mom adviced me.

"Yes, Mom!  I feel guilty for what I did but ... " I was cut of by Mom.

"You have sent the brownies and cake with sorry letter na he will forgive you, Don't worry beta. And always remember be patience. Because it's worth the wait. " Mom said.

"Mom! You are the best " I said and hugged Mom.

"I am always thankful for Allah for blessing me with you! Because you are a miracle in my life. " Mom said and kissed my forehead. 

"Now enough of talking, come will go down to have dinner, your Dad must be waiting." Mom said and left the room.

I smiled to myself by saying "Alhamdu Lillah " (All praise is to Allah) for giving me wonderful Mom and we are more like friends

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I smiled to myself by saying "Alhamdu Lillah " (All praise is to Allah) for giving me wonderful Mom and we are more like friends. 

When I was about to go down my phone beeped with notification. When I checked my phone it's whatsapp message from Maha.

"Wah! Finally wait is end!" I said to myself and opened the whatsapp message.  Then felt tears in my eyes.


Thank you so much my lovely readers for all the lovely comments and votes. Keep reading and supporting. I will try to update ASAP. Insha Allah.

Till then keep smiling :)

Here is a just question about upcoming chapter.

( Tears of joy or sorrow ? )

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