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Seungcheol's statement rings in Seokmin's head as he continues on with his classes, Seokmin beginning to think to deeply about the situation. He thought it would've ended in a day but days turned into weeks which lead to a month. He thought about this for a month. When was the right time to confess to her? How would he confess to her? What will be her reaction when he confesses to her? Rejection? Acceptance?

He mindless ate as he continued to think about this while he friends talked around him, the smell of burgers lingering in the distance - hamburgers was Wonwoo's suggestion as his current motto was 'My life is hamburger'.

"I think you should just do it," Mingyu advised him. "No plans, just out of the blue. That way you'll get her first reaction immediately. She won't have time to think of what to say as she'll be put on the spot."

"But that's what I'm afraid of, what if she rejects me?"

"Then she rejects you," Wonwoo states. "Simple as that. You move on afterwards."

"What about our friendship? How will that be savaged?"

"Just don't think about it, just pretend none of it happened. Plus she'll see how you've moved on and how it didn't affect the friendship." Seokmin wa still unsure but he took in his friend's advice. Everyone around him carried on with their conversation as he sat quietly and kept to himself.

That night as the three sat around the dinner table Heeyun stated she had something to say. Both their mother and Seokmin halted their eating and focused on Heeyun, a pleased smile etched upon her face.

"What is it, Heeyun?"

"Someone confessed to me today," Heeyun says followed by clapping. Seokmin and his mother exchange glances before looking at Heeyun who waited for some sort of reaction. "What?"

"Nothing," Seokmin replied.

"You aren't surprised?" She asks, perplexed at her brother's reaction.

"Nope," He responds. "Was it Minghao?" She nods again, Seokmin then explaining to his mother who Minghao was. Heeyun frowns at the lack of reactions and goes back to eating while grumbling something incoherent, their mother faking a reaction to get her to smile again - which worked.

As he lied in bed he thought about the advice given to him earlier and decided to go with it, he was going to confess. He wanted her honest reaction and response even thought he knew it could hurt him.

The mere idea of him confessing brought a smile to his face, even after he had fallen asleep the smile did not fade.


A/N; i'm sorry this is really bad,, and that's it's coming to and end. ;(

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