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The weekend seemed to go by fast as Seokmin stares out the bus window, Heeyun resting her head against his shoulder as soft snores emit from her.

Like usual, the bus comes to a stop, Seokmin lightly nudging his sister. Dazed and a little confused, she wakes up and stumbles a bit as she exits the bus, Seokmin holding back a laugh. Seokmin makes sure to check the time one more as they leisurely stroll, Heeyun going on about something Seokmin was unaware of.

"Right?" He snaps out of his daze as he looks at her, she's waiting for his response.

"Yeah, just do that." He responds carelessly. Heeyun sighs as she starts to walk ahead of him, Seokmin calling for her to wait up.

The hallway was swarmed with kids as the two walked into the school, Soonyoung and Minghao not far from the main enters mcd. Happily, Soonyoung swings his arm around Seokmin's shoulders as Soonyoung starts to talk about the latest installment of their favorite animation. Heeyun strays behind as she's talking to Minghao, she giggles at Minghao's broken korean. Seokmin wonders why she's acting like this but then he realizes as they're walking they pass Jungkook who stares at Heeyun and Minghao. Seokmin doesn't mind it, although the situation concerns his sister he's happy that she's over it.

Seokmin and Soonyoung say their goodbyes to Minghao and Heeyun as they part, Heeyun offered to take Minghao to his class.

"You know your sister said my hair looks good dyed blonde?" Soonyoung informs Seokmim as they walk into class, Seokmin shaking his head in disbelief. "I think I might keep it blonde for a little longer." Seokmin smacks Soonyoung at his antics, Soonyoung acting as if Heeyun's opinion was the most important thing at that moment. Seokmin was able to sense this as he took his seat, Seokmin staring directly at his friend.

"Don't get any ideas, Kwon."

Seokmin glances at the clock as he props his head against the palm of his hand, Mingyu tried to knock his hand over which would've caused Seokmin to disrupt the class. Wonwoo was at home sick today because Mingyu sneezed 'accidentally' on Wonwoo's ramen this past weekend when they were hanging out.

Mingyu pulls a face, he's about to sneeze. Seokmin quickly directs Mingyu away from their desks, a loud sneeze filled the room as a few classmates shushed him. He meekly apologizes, one neighboring girl handing him a tissue she conveniently had in her pocket. He thanks her and focused back on his work, this failing after a few seconds as Mingyu balances his pencil in between his up lip and nose. Seokmin tries to regain his focus as the teacher continues to lecture, the bell signaling the end of school ringing. The students are dismissed as the teacher packs up her belongings, Seokmin shaking Mingyu out of his focused state.

"Let's go." Mingyu grabs his bags and follows Seokmin out the door an into the hallways, which for the majority was near empty with the exception of some still lingering around. Seokmin doesn't say much as the two walk in silence, Mingyu coughing in hopes of breaking the rising silence.

"How's Heeyun doing?"

"She's fine, at least she should be." Seokmin replied. "She was a little sulky this past weekend but now she seems fine." Mingyu nods along as the atmosphere grows quiet again, Mingyu quick to break the silence once again.

"Hyung, I'm really sorry." Seokmin turns his head at the younger's words, confusion etched across his face.

"Sorry for what?"

"Everything." Mingyu couldn't ind the strength to look at Seokmin as he spoke, self guilt preventing him. "I feel like I've been a bad friend lately, I always say things at the wrong time and always pick on you for liking Inhyung. I'm sorry." Seokmin stops dead in his tracks as Mingyu looks back at him with tears nearly falling, Seokmin walking up to the boy before pulling him into a hug.

"It's alright, don't worry about it. We all say things we don't mean to say every once in a while right?" Mingyu nods, Seokmin releasing him. The atmosphere remains awkward as Seokmim tries to break it, Mingyu immediately sensing this. "Let's get going, they might be waiting for us." Quickly, they rush out of the building and onto the the pathway leading to the main entrance of the school, Soonyoung and the others waving them over. The each meet halfway, Soonyoung happy as always. Seokmin looks around and notices the absence of one person, immediately he asks Soonyoung. "Where's Heeyun?" Soonyoung turns around and looks over in the direction of Minghao, in which the younger shrugs.

"I thought she was with Minghao, guess not." A wave of anxiety washes over Seokmin as he frantically looks around, the worst possible conclusion coming to mind. Wonwoo suddenly points in a direction before speaking, Seokmin's attention directed to where Wonwoo had pointed.

"Isn't that her over there?" Seokmin looks in the direction only to see his younger sister with Jungkook, Seokmin's eyebrows knitted in confusion. All eyes are on Heeyun as the boy leans in a places a kiss on her cheek, Mingyu muttering an 'ew' just loud enough for the entire group to hear. Seokmin stares bewildered, Soonyoung's voice tearing Seokmin away from his thoughts.

"Minghao, what's wrong? You look upset."


A/N: i don't know how i feel about this chapter, i guess we'll just see where it goes.

but ooOOH i don't think i can ever imagine jealous!minghao

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