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"I should get going." She mutters as she walks past the two and into the house, Seungcheol looking at her questionably. He goes towards Seokmin with a stern look, Seokmin bracing for impact. To his surprise, Seungcheol pats him on the back with an satisfied expression, Seokmin straightening himself out before shaking his head.

"Thanks." He says, his hand clasped around Seokmin's shoulder. He doesn't say any more and closes the gate prior to going back into the house leaving Seokmin dazed. Seokmin shakes his head in disbelief as he starts to walk back home, his feet kicking at the little pebbles beneath him.

He lies facing the ceiling right before he drifts off to bed with the same old thoughts in his head, half his mind telling him not to worry to much about it while the other half remains curious.

The next morning in homeroom the class president Seungkwan strolls in with his daily agenda, the class awaiting his next words.

"I am happy to announce that we have gained enough funds this year to go on our class MT!" Cheers filled the room as a smile etched across Seungkwan's face. The class erupts into smaller conversations as Seungkwan tries to regain everyone's attention, his index finger pressed against his lips while telling everyone to settle down. "I will be handing out the permission slips and they shall be handed back in no longer than the 29th of this month. The trip will be held on the 4th of the following month, also keep in mind that we will be needing a small payment for the bus rentals as well as the camping grounds." A few nod as they attentively pay attention, while the rest continue their previous conversations, Seungkwan's tone slowly raising an octave as he tries to talk over everyone. "And those who do not participate in the trip will be marked as an unexcused absence and will have to come to school, further directions will be given then." He politely bows prior to exiting the classroom, the room full of kids continuing their conversations.

Without words Soonyoung turns to Seokmkm with an excited expression, a smile etched onto his face.

"Well?" Soonyoung asked excited.

"I'll see if I can convince my mom into letting me going." Seokmin responds, Soonyoung nodding eagerly. Soonyoung turns to Wonwoo and Mingyu prior to starting up their own conversation, Seokmin sat staring around the classroom. As Soonyoung turns around Seokmin stares into an oblivion, his thoughts and mind reverting back to yesterday's events. He was pulled out d his thoughts when he came across Inhyung's laugh, her eyes slightly closed as she tries to cover her mouth. Next to her as per usual was Seungcheol, a faint smile worn upon Seokmin's face. If he couldn't make her smile he was glad someone else could.

The bell for lunch dismissed everyone from their classes as a sea of students rushed towards the lunch hall, Seokmin taking his time. He spotted Inhyung doing the same, Seokmin calling out for her to wait. She turned and smiled at him, he knew it was just out of kindness but he still admired it.

"Hey." He said, slightly out of breath as he jogged to her.

"You tend to lose your breath quickly." She points out.

"Well I can't help it when the person in front of me just takes my breath away." He hid his smile after saying that, Inhyung's face flushed a light pink. She hides her embarrassed state by lightly smacking his shoulder prior to changing the subject.

"So do you think you'll go on the trip?" She asks, her cheeks still tinted with light pink.

"I might," Seokmin replied. "But then I'd have to take Heeyun with me."

"She should go," Inhyung stated. "That way I won't feel left out as the only girl."

"Trust me," Seokmin said. "Heeyun is anything but a girl." He knew Heeyun wouldn't scolding him for saying such things behind me back but he was slightly relieved she wasn't around to hear it. "She's abnormally strong for a girl who's a couch potato." Inhyung shook her head in disbelief as she let out a small chuckle, her hand lightly pushing against Seokmin's shoulder. The continue their conversation until they reach the lunch hall, Inhyung taking her usual seat next to Seungcheol as Seokmin takes his. Seokmin mentally curses at himself for forgetting to ask Inhyung her relation with Seungcheol, it reoccurred to him once he saw the two.

"So who's going on the trip?" Soonyoung asks, excitedly - this has been the only thing he's talked about all morning.

"I'm guessing you are?" Inhyung asks with her eyebrow raised in surprised.

"Of course," Wonwoo grumbled. "He's been talking about it nonstop since this morning." Wonwoo began to rub his temples as Soonyoung glares at him prior to continuing talking.

"What about you guys?" Mingyu asks as he gestures to Seungcheol, Inhyung, Jihoon, and Jeonghan. The four exchange glances prior to shrugging in response.

"We still have to ask." Jihoon responds as the other three nod. "But we'll let you know as soon as we can."

"Not everyone plans three months in advance, Soonyoung." Wonwoo mumbles at Soonyoung's defeated expression as the table erupts into laughter.


A/N: sorry for this chapter, kinda a filter chapter??

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