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The trip back to the school was the same as it was going to the campsite, rainy. Unlike the ride to the campsite Seokmin found himself sitting with Junhui while his younger sister sat a few rows ahead with Minghao. It was pretty much confirmed they were a 'thing' - even though Heeyun would always deny it every time someone asked about the two. But Seokmin didn't mind it, like what he said to Soonyoung he would give his blessing to Minghao if he were to end up dating Heeyun.

It was best not to say anything to Jun because learning from Soonyoung's experiences Junhui is a hit or miss. Taking the safe route, Seokmin doesn't speak to him unless Jun was the one to start the conversation.

"Weird that we were put together, huh?" He asks as he turns to Seokmin. Seokmin merely nods at the boy's question, Junhui smirking in amusement. "You don't like me, huh?" Seokmin perks up at his bold question, Seokmin staring at Junhui with wide eyes.

"What?" Seokmin responded, nearly stuttering.

"You heard me," Junhui fired back. "You don't like me."

"It's not like that," Seokmin replied as his eyes adverted his gaze from Junhui to the floor. "It's just -" Junhui smirks at Seokmin, Seokmin starting to feel small.

"Is it because of Soonyoung?" Junhui questioned. Seokmin simply nodded, Junhui sighing. "Look, I don't know what Soonyoung told you but whatever he told you forget it. Everything he told you is probably false. He's a good kid but just judges fast."

"What if you're lying?" Junhui cocks an eyebrow in surprise, Junhui then shaking his head in understanding.

"If I'm lying then I'll let you slap me in the face." Jun offers. "And my face is really important to me." Seokmin takes up Jun's offer, Jun promising he'll be nice to Seokmin.

It surprised him, for the entire trip back to the school Jun told stories about his home and childhood back in China, Seokmin starting to feel bad for automatically judging. Through this he was able to learn more about Jun as well as tidbits of Seungcheol - only the things Seungcheol wouldn't dare to say about himself.

"Hey, can I ask you something?" Jun simply nods, Seokmin thinking of how to say this without sounding like he's pestering. "You're pretty close to Seungcheol, do you know if he still has feelings for Inhyung?"

"Yu Inhyung?" Seokmin watches as Jun thinks, his eyes squinted as he stares off into space. "I don't think so, last I heard he was going to confess to her but that was a while ago. I'm sure he's over it by now, I think Seungcheol would find it weird if he did confess and she rejected him. Imagine how it would be like for them at home." It had slipped past his mind until Jun said it, this causing Seokmin to ask.

"Do you know why they live together?" Jun simply stares at Seungcheol, intrigued with the boy's sudden fascination. "If it's too personal or he told you not to tell it's fine, forget it."

"I think you're close enough as friends to know." Jun leans close to Seokmin so that no one else would hear easily, Jun pressing a hand against his cheek just to take extra precaution. "So you know how the two are close friends?" He waits for Seokmin to nod in order for him to continue, Seokmin realizing this after Jun's prolonged stare. "Inhyung's mom has been in a comma since the start of the school year maybe even sooner due to health reasons. Her mother is the only family she has left and since the school doesn't recognize her mother as 'an active' guardian she was nearly removed from the school until Seungcheol's family stuck up for her which eventually put her in the Choi's care. She's been working part time jobs here and there in order to pay for the increasing hospital bills but at this rate I don't think it'll help." Seokmin fascinated at all this information, up to the point where it was nearly hard to process.

"And you know this, how?"

"Seungcheol comes to me to vent." He informs him. "There will be times where he's overwhelmed with all the stress and he'll come to me to talk about it. Simple as that." Seokmin thanks Jun for this and doesn't pester him for the remainder of the ride back, Seokmin taking the time to think about what he was told.

Soonyoung was the only one in a 'hyped' mood when they returned back to the school, Mingyu complaining about how Wonwoo smacked him every time he moved his shoulder.

"Yeah, he just kept hitting my shoulder. Like who does that?"

"I was trying to sleep, idiot." Wonwoo grumbles, Wonwoo raising his hand, threating Mingyu. Mingyu backs off and tries to hide behind Soonyoung who simply plays along, Wonwoo muttering something about how he'd kill Soonyoung for siding with Mingyu. Seokmin watched as the three bicker until Seungcheol stood next to him watching as well.

"Hey," He sighs as Seokmin stares at the boy, Seokmin still caught off guard from his unexpected presence. "Can we talk privately for a second?" Seungcheol doesn't wait for a response and walks towards the building, Seokmin following. The sound of the teacher yelling at Wonwoo, Mingyu, and Soonyoung play in the background while small hints of Seungkwan's voice is heard here and there. The two end up standing around a section of secluded lockers, Seungcheol's foot pressed against the locker as his hands are shoved in his pants pockets. "Junhui told me about your conversation with him." Instantly, Seokmin's mouth went dry upon hearing the boy's words, a lump starting to form in his throat.

"How much of it did he tell you?" He stuttered, his palms becoming sweaty out of anxiousness.

"All of it," His heart drops to his stomach, Seokmin fearing the worse. Seungcheol places a hand on Seokmin's shoulder, Seokmin's expression resembling a deer in the headlights. "And I think you should confess to her."

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